Purpose variables

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Purpose variables


This feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

Here you can find a detailed comparison of the Small Business Edition and the Enterprise Edition.


SEPA-Transfer supports the use of variables in the purpose of use. This allows you to easily insert dynamic information into your bookings. The variables are filled in when you create a file or transfer bookings via online banking.


The following variables are available:

/+DATE+/, /+DAY+/

Set the date, the day as a number.


Set the current/last/next month as a number.


Set the month as a word.


Set the current/last/next year as a number.


Set the quarter, the last quarter, the next quarter as a number.


Set the time of the export.


A random number between 0 and 32767. /+RANDOMLZ+/ adds leading zeros if necessary to reach 5 characters.


The amount, the end-to-end reference or the mandate reference of the current booking.


Data of the remittance recipient or debtor.


Your data (data of the currently selected account).