USB Signal Light Controlling

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USB Signal Light Controlling

The action "USB Signal Light Controlling" allows you to control a signal light which can be purchased at JAM Software. You can use the signal light to monitor the status of a monitored server or to display a certain problem.

Please note that multiple sensors can all work on the same USB signal light. That is why the signal light checks, when the action is executed, the status of all the other sensors that have the same action configured. For example, if one sensor sets the signal light to "green" but another sensor sets it to "red" or "yellow" it will remain "red" or "yellow".


The action can only be used when the global notifications are disabled.

General Settings

Action is enabled

This option sets whether the action will be executed or not.


The name of the action (max. 255 characters). Choose a meaningful name to clearly identify the action.


An optionally description for the action (max. 512 characters).

Enable Logging

This option sets if the execution of the action should be logged to the action log.

Signal Light Settings


Here you can either select an existing device object or create a new.


Here you can choose the state you want to set the signal light to.