ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation
TJamPathEdit Properties
TJamPathEdit Properties
Determines how the control aligns within its container (parent control). 
Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent. 
Specifies whether the control sizes itself automatically to accommodate its contents. 
Specifies which edges of the control are beveled. 
Specifies the cut of the inner bevel.  
Specifies the control's bevel style.  
Specifies the cut of the outer bevel.  
Determines whether the list view displays a single line border.  
Changes the window title of the opendialog.  
Specifies the size constraints for the control. 
Specifies a default file extension. 
Text of the Open button. 
Changes the window title of the opendialog  
Determines whether the control's image is rendered directly to the window or painted to an in-memory bitmap first.  
Specifies the image used to represent the mouse pointer when the control is being dragged. 
Specifies whether the control is being dragged normally or for docking. 
Specifies the image used to represent the mouse pointer when the control is being dragged. 
Controls whether the control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.  
Edit the filter of the opendialog.  
Use this property to select if the dialog for browsing for a file, or for a folder should be displayed.  
Controls the attributes of text written on or in the control. Make sure to turn off UseSystemFont before editing this control! Otherwise the changes will not persist.  
Gives an initial directory for the shown dialog.  
Property to check the selection  
Occurs when an attempt is made to resize the control. 
This event will be triggered whenever something in the edit field changes.  
Occurs when the user clicks the control. 
Occurs when the user double-clicks the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is over the control. 
Occurs when the user drops an object being dragged. 
Occurs when the user drags an object over a control. 
Occurs when a control receives the input focus. 
Occurs when the input focus shifts away from one control to another. 
Occurs when a user presses any key while the control has focus. 
Occurs when a key is pressed. 
Occurs when the user releases a key that was pressed. 
Occurs when the user presses a mouse button with the mouse pointer over a control. 
Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer while the mouse pointer is over a control. 
Occurs when the user releases a mouse button that was pressed with the mouse pointer over a component. 
Enables or disables the button that brings up the file/folder picker dialog. 
Specifies where a control looks for its color information.  
ParentDoubleBuffered defers the DoubleBuffered property of this component to the value of the parent's DoubleBuffered property. 
Specifies where a control looks for its font information. 
Specifies where a control looks to find out if its Help Hint should be shown. 
Gives a string with a path or a folder name to TJamPathEdit  
Specifies the pop-up menu associated with the control. 
This is an add on to the normal inherited PopupMenu property.  
specifies whether to show the Help Hint when the mouse pointer moves over the control. 
If True (the default value), the system folder icon is shown on the button. If False, three dots (...) are shown on the button.  
Specifies the style name for this control. 
Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order. 
Use the same Font as the Windows Explorer.  
The version number of the ShellBrower controls. 
Determines whether the component appears onscreen.