ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation
IJamShellControl Methods
IJamShellControl Methods
This method is called by the ShellLink instance if the currently selected item has changed. 
Getter method for the ShellLink property. 
This method indicates that the callee should go up one level and display the contents of the current folder's parent folder. 
This method is called by the ShellLink instance if the currently displayed folder has changed. 
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents. 
This method indicates that the callee should select all item it currently displays. 
Setter method for the ShellLink property. 
Shows a snippet in the details pane. 
Excuted after the constructor was called. 
This method indicates that the callee should go up one level and display the contents of the current folder's parent folder. 
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents. 
Reloads the information in this control. 
Sets the current object for that information is shown. We currently support the interfaces IHierarchcalBase and IItemIdList.