ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation
Checks if the given ItemIdList is a child ItemIdList of this instance.
function IsParentOf(const pChildItemIdList: IITemIdList; pAcceptsEquals: Boolean = true; const pComparisonType: TItemIdListComparison = ilcExact): Boolean; overload;
Parameters |
Description |
const pChildItemIdList: IITemIdList |
The ItemdIdList that should be compared. |
pAcceptsEquals: Boolean = true |
If true (default) then true will also be returned if the compared ItemIdList are the same. If false, the method only returns true if the passed ItemIdList is a child./> |
const pComparisonType: TItemIdListComparison = ilcExact |
Optional: The comparsion to perform. Per default the ItemIdLists are compared exactly. Pass ilcDisplay to compare paths instead. |
Boolean: True if the given ItemIdList is a child of this instance; False otherwise.