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All data generated by SmartSerialMail (content, recipients, quick parts) is saved to a database.


Backup Database.


info_32 Note:

This feature is only available when using an Access database.

You should back up your SmartSerialMail databases regularly, in order to protect against data loss.

From a backup you can restore the entire database easily.

Please make sure that all changes are saved and no sending tasks are running before creating a backup.

To create a backup of your database proceed as follows:

1.Go to the "File" Menu.

2.Select "Data".

3.Click the button "Backup database".

4.Select a folder to which the backup should be saved.

5.Click "Select folder".

When the information window "Backup was successfully created" appears you have created a backup copy of their database.


Restore Database.

info_32 Note:

This feature is only available when using an Access database.

In the event of data loss you can restore your database from a backup copy, if one exists.

Please make sure that all changes are saved and no sending tasks are running before creating a backup.


To restore your database from a backup proceed as follows:

1.Go to the "File" Menu.

2.Select "Data".

3.Click  the Button "Restore Database".

4.Select the folder in which you previously saved the backup.

5.Click "Select Folder".

When the information window "Database recovery was successful" appears you have restore your database.


Manage Database


Test Connection

Test the connection to your database.

Copy your current data to the new database

If you select this option, all current data (profiles, content, recipient lists etc.) will be copied to the new database.

If you do not select this option, SmartSerialMail will set up an empty database.


All settings are saved and executed.


The settings are not saved.

Database system

Database Type

Select the type of database you are using:


Select the Access file you want to use under the option 'File Name'.


An MSSQL database provides two authentication options to gain access to an MSSQL server.


Server Name

Enter the name of the server the database is located on.


Enter the name of the database located on the server.



Your Windows authentication is used to log on to the server. You do not need to enter user name or password.

SQL Server

Please enter username and password of the MSSQL account used to authenticate access to the server.

User Name

Enter a username with access to the selected MSSQL database.


Enter the password corresponding to the username.



Enter the file path to the Access database to use it.

Connection String


This text box shows you the connection string.


MSSQL Database

You can use an Access or MSSQL database to save your data.

An MSSQL database can be located on a server.

Files on an MSSQL database can be used by different users simultaneously.

To enable the use of an MSSQL database, an MSSQL database server with a appropriate instance is required.

For an easy setup of an MSSQL database, SmartSerialMail comes with a suitable installer.

Using this installer, you don't have to care about instance name of the database or other administrative data.

If you want to use this installer, follow this tutorial: Tutorial 8: Installing a connection to a MSSQL Database.


If you already have installed a database, follow these steps to connect SmartSerialMail with an MSSQL database:

1.Go to the "File" Menu.

2.Select "Data".

3.Click on the "Manage Database" button.

4.In the next dialog choose "MSSQL Database" under "Database system" at "Database Type".

5.Open the list of "Server Names".

6.Select your Server.

7.Open the List of "Server Instances".

8.Select your instance.


Windows Authentication

Your Windows authentication is used to log on to the server. You do not need to enter user name or password.

SQL Server Authentication

Please enter username and password of the MSSQL account used to authenticate access to the server.

10. Test your connection to the MSSQL server.

11. Choose whether the current data shall be copied to the new database or not.

12. Confirm by clicking the "OK" button or abort the dialog by click the "Cancel" button.

Access Database

At the first start of SmartSerialMail an Access database is created.

Under database management you can replace this Access database with an MSSQL database or another Access database.

If necessary, you can also terminate your connection to the MSSQL database and use an Access database.


To connect SmartSerialMail with another Access database proceed as follows:

1.Go to the "File" Menu.

2.Select "Data".

3.Click on the "Manage Database" button.

4.In the next dialog choose "Access Database" under "Database system" at "Database Type".

5.Click on the Open button to select the Access file to be used.

6.Test your connection with the "Test Connection" Button.

7.Choose whether the current data shall be copied to the new database or not.

8.Confirm by clicking the "OK" button or abort the dialog by click the "Cancel" button.