Recipient lists and Sending

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Recipient lists and Sending

Recipient lists

SmartSerialMail sends serial emails to lists of recipients. A separate email is created for each recipient. In addition to the email address a recipient list can contain any number of columns. You can use each column of the list to further personalize your email via placeholders.

You can create any number of recipient lists and use them in different sending operations.

What is the status-column used for?

At the end of a sending operation SmartSerialMail will automatically add the “status” column showing the sending status of each email to a recipient list. Here you can see, for example, whether an email has been sent or could not be sent due to an error.

What are blacklists (exclude- or blocklists)?

In addition to the “normal” recipient lists SmartSerialMail offers a second list type: blacklists. Blacklists enable you to make sure that specific recipients never receive emails, for example to manage cancellations of newsletters. If an email address appears on a blacklist, no email will be sent to the recipient, even if their email appears on the recipient list used for the sending operation.

Sending Operations

A sending operation in SmartSerialMail consists of a profile, a recipient-list and an email content.

SmartSerialMail uses the selected content to create a separate e-mail for every recipient. Placeholders are replaced in the content by values from the recipient lists. The profile defines how the email will be sent.

SmartSerialMail will mark each sent email in the recipient list. Here you can easily see which recipient has already received a mailing.

If you change anything in content, profile, or recipient lists during a sending operation, those changes will only be applied if you stop the operation and re-start it again.

What should I check before sending?

Please check whether the desired profile, the correct recipient-list, and the content you want to send have been selected. You can always check the currently selected elements (profile, recipient, content) at the lower window border.

Make sure to take a look at the preview before sending.