Creating SEPA files

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Creating SEPA files


Some of the features mentioned here are only available in the Enterprise Edition.

Here you will find a detailed comparison of the Small Business Edition and the Enterprise Edition.


SEPA-Transfer supports the creation of SEPA XML files since version 6.0. However, the form in which the respective credit institution accepts these is not yet bindingly regulated. To create a SEPA file, it is necessary that you have already set up an account .

1.Create postings as transfers or direct debits. The postings are listed in "Current postings" on the left-hand side of the main window.

2.Now you can click on the "Create SEPA XML file" icon in the "Import / Export" menu (see illustration), or you can use the corresponding entry in the "File" menu.


3.The "Create SEPA XML file" dialog opens. In this dialog, you can filter out postings that are not yet due according to their date or select or deselect postings individually.


4.You can change the default behavior (postings are displayed as a collective item on the account statement) using the option "Combine postings in collector" / "List postings on account statement individually".
This option is only available if there are several postings of the same type.
Please also refer to this important FAQ entry.

5.Optionally, you can define a collector reference.  Ifyou do not do this, SEPA-Transfer will create  one itself.
This option is only available if "Combine bookings in collector" has been selected.

6."Create log file" creates an Excel log file containing all successfully exported transactions.
The path may also  contain system variables.
This option is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

7.The XML export path is the path where the SEPA XML file is to be saved.
The path may also contain system variables.

8.The total of all selected transactions is displayed at the bottom right.
There you will also find the option to explicitly switch either credit transfers or direct debits (or both) on or off for the export and the option to execute all credit transfers as SEPA real-time credit transfers.
SEPA real-time credit transfers are usually received by the recipient within a few seconds. If you receive an error message when transferring SEPA real-time transfers, please contact your bank to find out whether SEPA real-time transfers can be transferred with your account.
Please note that SEPA instant transfers may incur charges depending on the bank and account type. You should therefore ask your bank in advance about possible costs.
Wage or salary payments and capital formation benefits can also be transferred as SEPA instant transfers in principle. However, as the field provided for this information in the SEPA format for SEPA instant transfers is optional, it cannot be guaranteed that the postings will actually be posted to the payee's account as wage or salary payments or capital-forming benefits. In case of doubt, the payments are processed as normal SEPA instant transfers. The same applies to the "End-to-end reference" field: This field may not appear on the payee's bank statement. The information can either already be filtered out by your bank or that of the payee.

9.After clicking on "Export", the SEPA XML file is created and all successfully exported bookings are marked as "executed" and are therefore no longer displayed in the main window.