ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation

The TJamSystemImageList component provides the icons of the Windows shell in from of a Delphi ImageList descendant.

TJamSystemImageList = class(TCustomImageList);

Use this component to get access to the system image list of Windows. This can be useful if you want to display shell related information in a Delphi TListView or TTreeView. Then just place a TJamSystemImageList component on your form and assign it to the Images property of the TTreeView of TListView. Use the Size property to switch between small and large icons. GetIndexFromExtension will return the icon number for a given extension or filename. Use the Draw and GetBitmap methods of Delphi`s TCustomImageList component to draw an icon somewhere on a TCanvas or to retrieve it as bitmap.

The following example will retrieve the large icon associated with Word documents as bitmap:

var index : Integer;
    bitmap: TBitmap;
  index := SystemImageList.GetIndexFromExtension('doc');
  bitmap:= TBitmap.Create;
  SystemImageList.GetBitmap(index, bitmap);
Creates an instance of a TJamSystemImageList component.  
Creates an instance of a TJamSystemImageList component.  
Creates an instance of a TJamSystemImageList component.  
Creates a scaled instance of a TJamSystemImageList component.  
Converts the given HBITMAP into a TBitmap.  
Reloads the image list handle if needed to adjust to a new dpi scaling.  
Converts imagelist to an image with alpha channel. 
Copies an image from the system image list to another imagelist.  
The default size in pixels of the small system-imagelist respecting dpi-scaling.  
Returns a bitmap showing the icon for a given icon number.  
Returns the type of the specified file extension.  
Returns the number of the standard folder icon.  
Returns the icon number for a given extension.  
Returns the icon number for a given absolute ItemIdList.  
Returns the image index of a given path in the system image list.  
Returns the icon number for a given path.  
Returns a reference to a global image list with a size matching best to the gicen width.  
Returns a reference to a global image list.  
Supplies the size of the images in this system imagelist in pixels.  
Returns the icon number for a given special folder.  
Returns the number of the standard icon for files with no known extension.  
Converts the given size into a member of TJamImageListSize that fits best based on the primary monitor's dpi settings.  
Reloads the image list handle if needed to adjust to a new dpi scaling.  
Determines which background color to use when drawing an image.  
Specifies the style to be used when the image list is drawing an image.  
The height of the images in this system imagelist in pixels. 
Occurs when the image list changes.  
Share images with the shell or make own copy.  
Switch between small and large icon for the ImageList.  
The version number of the ShellBrower controls. 
The width of the images in this system imagelist in pixels.