ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation
If activated, the TGlobalCustomIconHandler will be called, that allows you to set custom icons for list elements instead of using the system icons. If false, the event is not called for items in this instance.
property CustomIcons: Boolean;
The following example is taken from JamExplorer and shows a small samples implementation for a TJamShellList and TJamShellTree.
unit CustomIconsExample; interface uses Vcl.Forms, ShellControls, Vcl.Controls, Jam.Shell.Controls.Types; type TMainForm = class(TForm) CustomSmallImages: TImageList; //contains the custom icons. In newer Delphi version a TVirtualImageList can be used instead. ShellList: TJamShellList; ShellTree: TJamShellTree; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private fCustomIconPath: string; procedure GetCustomIcon(Sender: TObject; const pPath: string; var pEventArgs: TCustomizeIconEventArgs); end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, ShellBrowser; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //registers GetCustomIcon as global eventhandler. TGlobalCustomIconHandler.SetOnGetCustomIconForPath(GetCustomIcon) //activates the eventhandler for the ShellList and the ShellTree ShellTree.CustomIcons := true; ShellList.CustomIcons := true; end; procedure TMainForm.GetCustomIcon(Sender: TObject; const pPath: string; var pEventArgs: TCustomizeIconEventArgs); begin if (Sender = ShellList) then begin if (Uppercase(ExtractFileExt(pPath)) = '.TXT') then begin pEventArgs.ImageList := CustomSmallImages; pEventArgs.ImageIndex := 0; end; end else if (Sender = ShellTree) then begin if SamePath(pPath, fCustomIconPath) then begin pEventArgs.ImageList := CustomSmallImages; pEventArgs.ImageIndex := 1; end; end; end; end.