Installation and System Requirements

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Installation and System Requirements

System Requirements

Please see compatibility details here.



To install ShellBrowser .Net Components execute the setup file (depending on your version) and follow the instructions.


1.First please choose your language version of ShellBrowser .Net Components. Choose "Next" to proceed.

2.When the Welcome page appears, choose "Next" to proceed.

3.Please read our license agreement and - if you agree with it - accept it. Choose "Next" to proceed.

4.Only for the Full Version: Please provide your installation password and choose "Next" to proceed. If you don't know the password, you'll be able to find it in the customer's area of the JAM Software website.  Username and password for this area have been sent to you by e-mail after ordering our product. If you should be unable to login, please contact our support.

5.Choose a folder for the installation of ShellBrowser .Net Components. Make sure there is enough space left for it on your hard disc. Choose "Next" to proceed.

6.Choose a folder in the Start Menu for ShellBrowser .Net Components to appear in. Choose "Next" to proceed.

7.The Setup program will copy all necessary files to your hard disc and creates a new program group in the Start Menu. After clicking the "Finish" button, the installation is now complete.


After installation, you will find the ShellBrowser .Net Components assemblies in the "bin" subfolder of your installation path:

ShellBrowser.Core.dll: Contains non-visual functionality, that is used by the controls

ShellBrowser.dll: Contains the visual components

In the debug subfolder you may find debug builds of the same assemblies; especially compared to the release assemblies in bin, a debug log is written, which might help to track down problems.

Subfolders in "bin" and "debug" contain other supported .NET Versions.

The "NugetPackages" folder is registered as local NuGet repository during installation and contains the NuGet packages of ShellBrowser.NET.

For usage in Visual Studio see Usage in Visual Studio.


ShellBrowser .Net Components can be removed from your system using the Software app in the Control Panel of Windows.