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ShellListViewNavigationFailed Event

Called, when navigation to a specific folder cannot be executed (because it doesn't exist or because access is denied).

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser (in ShellBrowser.dll) Version: 7.1
public event EventHandler<PathEventArgs> NavigationFailed


Type: SystemEventHandlerPathEventArgs
/* The following example sets a default fallback folder, when a folder cannot be navigated.
 * Note, that like in the example you might need to let the shellList finish processing 
 * before setting a different folder.
private ItemIdList m_FallBackFolder = new ItemIdList(ShellFolder.Drives);

private void ShellListView1_NavigationFailed(object sender, PathEventArgs e)
    shellListView1.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => shellListView1.FolderIdList = m_FallBackFolder));
See Also