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ShellBrowserBase Methods

The ShellBrowserBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodBrowseObject
Makes the currently active shell object the current folder.
Public methodCanRename
Checks if the currently active object can be renamed.
Protected methodCheckIfValid(Boolean)
Checks if the current object is in a valid state for performing operations
Protected methodCheckIfValid(Boolean, Boolean)
Checks if the current object is in a valid state for performing operations
Protected methodDispose
Releases all resources held by this instance.
(Overrides ComponentDispose(Boolean).)
Protected methodStatic memberFilter2Regex(String)
Converts a semicolon separated file filter i.e. "*.txt;*.doc" to a case-insensitve regular expression
Protected methodStatic memberFilter2Regex(String, RegexOptions)
Converts a semicolon separated file filter i.e. "*.txt;*.doc" to a regular expression
Public methodFilterMatch
Checks if the currently active object matches the filter that is set.
Protected methodGetAttributes
Checks if the given attributes apply to the current objects
Public methodStatic memberGetDesktopName
Returns the name of the root of the Windows shell namespace, which is "Desktop" in English Windows versions.
Public methodGetDomain
Returns the domain name of the currently active object.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Implemetation of IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Protected methodGetIShellDetails
Tests if ShellFolder1.CreateViewObject succeeds. This is a prerequisite for other methods to work successfully.
Public methodGetSelectedItemIdLists
Gets the items the command will be executed upon.
Public methodGetShellObjectName
Returns the Windows shell display name of the currently active object.
Public methodGetUIObject(Guid)
Queries and returns COM interfaces from the currently active Folder and object. If object names are assigned to the MultiObject collection, then they will be used.
Public methodGetUIObject(Guid, ItemIdList)
Queries and returns COM interfaces from the currently active Folder and the given ItemIdLists.
Protected methodGetWindowHandle
Returns an approriate window handle for operations that require a window handle. It takes care that a null handle is returned to prevent error messages if ShowErrorMEssages is set to false.
Public methodHasAttributes
Checks if the given attributes apply to the current objects.
Public methodStatic memberHasFileExtension
Checks whether the given fullpath or filename has the given extension.
Public methodInvokeCommandOnSelected
Executes the given command on the selected items.
Public methodIsCompressed
Checks if the currently active object is compressed.
Public methodIsEncrypted
Checks if the currently active object is encrypted.
Public methodIsHidden
Checks if the currently active object is hidden.
Public methodIsLink
Checks if the currently active object is a link or shortcut.
Public methodNext
Moves on to next object in the active folder and makes it the active object. If Next has not been called before for the active folder, the first object is made active.
Public methodNext(IShellChangeNotifier)
Moves on to next object in the active folder and makes it the active object. If Next has not been called before for the active folder, the first object is made active.
Public methodOnAfterInvokeCommand
Is called after the command has been called.
Public methodOnBeforeInvokeCommand
Is called before the command is called.
Protected methodReset
Resets the enumeration of the items in the active folder. It can be started again using Next
Public methodSelectParent
Moves up to the parent of the current shell object
See Also