Click or drag to resize

ThumbnailImage Methods

The ThumbnailImage type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginInit
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
Public methodClearImage
Clear the current Image.
Protected methodDispose
Remove reference to ShellControlConnector and implicitely remove this control from the list of known controls of the ShellControlConnector
(Overrides ControlDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEndInit
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
Public methodFolderChanged
Gets called if the active folder should change.
Public methodFullRefresh
Reloads the thumbnail image.
Protected methodGetThumbnailImage
This method starts generating a thumbnail asynchronously
Public methodGoUp
Implements IShellControlIShellControl.GoUp.
Protected methodOnCreateControl (Overrides ControlOnCreateControl.)
Protected methodOnHandleCreated
Raises the HandleCreated event.
(Overrides ControlOnHandleCreated(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPictureBoxClick
Fire the OnClick event of the panel, when the same event gets fired for the PictureBox.
Protected methodOnPictureDoubleClick
Fire the OnDoubleClick event of the panel, when the same event gets fired for the PictureBox.
Protected methodOnResize
The Resize event must be overridden, because the PictureBox class has no Align property.
(Overrides PanelOnResize(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnThumnbailLoaded
Calls the ThumbnailLoaded event
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel, ItemIdList)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
Public methodSelectedFileChange
Gets called if the active file should change.
Public methodSmartRefresh
Implements IShellControlIShellControl.SmartRefresh. Internally calls FullRefreshFullRefresh.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodHandleNeeded
A Control extension method that ensures that the handle for a control is created.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodScaledPixels
An extension method for controls: It scales the passed pixels according to the current dpi the control is displayed with.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodScaleFont
A Control extension method that scales font according to the passed factor.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
See Also