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BaseSelectionList Class

Base class for the PathSelectionList.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser (in ShellBrowser.dll) Version: 7.1
public abstract class BaseSelectionList : WinFormsPathCollection

The BaseSelectionList type exposes the following members.

Protected methodBaseSelectionList
Initializes a new instance of the BaseSelectionList class.
Public propertyAllowDuplicates
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow duplicate entries in the list.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public propertyCalculateSelectedFiles
Use CalculateSelectedFiles to control whether the size and count of the selected files should be calculated or not.
Public propertyCheckIfExists
If true, paths that do not exist will not be added to the list
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public propertyFileCount
Get the total number of selected files.
Public propertyFolderCount
Get the total number of selected folders.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public propertyItem
Returns a path with a certain index.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public propertySize
Get the total size of the selected items.
Protected methodAbortSizeCalculation
Aborts the calculation of the selected files size.
Public methodAdd(IEnumerable)
Add all items of the given enumrable class to the list.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodAdd(IEnumerableIJamItemIdList)
Adds the paths of the passed ItemIdLists to the list.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodAdd(String)
Adds the given path to the list of path.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodAddPath
Adds the given path to the list of path. It does not fire the Changing and Change event.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodAddPathToSelection
Adds a path to the list of selected paths.
Public methodBeginUpdate
Prevent that the SelectionListChanged event is fired until EndUpdate is called. Every call of BeginUpdate() increments an UpdateCounter variable.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodCalculateAndUpdateSize
Calculates the count and size for the given folder and updates the properties.
Public methodClear
Removes all elements from the list
(Overrides PathCollectionClear.)
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of the current PathCollection
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodCompletePathSelected
Ensures that the smallest complete selected path is added.
Public methodContains
Returns true if the given path is in the list
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodCopyTo
Copies the elements of the PathCollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodDelete
Removes the path with the given index from the list.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodDispose
Releases ressources.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases managed ressources.
(Overrides PathCollectionDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEndUpdate
Every call of EndUpdate() decrements the UpdateCounter variable. When the UpdateCounter is 0, then the SelectionListChanged event is fired.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the BaseSelectionList class.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Protected methodGetListItem
Returns an item of the list at the passed index.
Public methodIndexOf
Returns the index of the given path.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodIsUpdating
Query if this instance is currently updating.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodObjects
Returns the object associated with a path.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodOnChanged
Fires the Change event.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodOnChanging
Fires the Changing event.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodPathSelected
Abstract definiton of the method PathSelected in the base class.
Public methodPathWasRenamed
Call this method to update the collection, e.g. upon path rename.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodRemove
Removes a path from the list.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected methodRemovePath
Removes the given path.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodRemovePathFromSelection
Use this procedure to remove an item from the selection list.
Public methodToString
Override the inherited method ToString().
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public methodUpdate
Updates the object associated with a path.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public eventChange
This event gets fired after items were added or deleted.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Public eventChanging
This event gets fired before items are added or deleted.
(Inherited from PathCollection.)
Protected fieldm_FileCount
the current file count.
Protected fieldm_FolderCount
the current folder count.
Protected fieldm_Size
the current size.
See Also