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FolderViewMode Enumeration

Enumerates the different viewmodes of the explorer listview.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell.Com
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Core (in ShellBrowser.Core.dll) Version: 7.1
public enum FolderViewMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Auto-1 The view should determine the best option.
Icon1The view should display medium-size icons.
SmallIcon2 Each item appears as a small icon with the label to the right of it.
List3 Each item appears as a small icon with a label to the right of it. Items are arranged in columns and cannot be dragged by the user.
Details4Object names and other selected information, such as the size or date last updated, are shown.
Thumbnail5The view should display thumbnail icons.
Tile6The view should display large icons.
Content8 Windows 7 and later. The view should display content mode.
See Also