ControlPanelItem Enumeration |
Possible control panel items.
ShellBrowser.Core (in ShellBrowser.Core.dll) Version: 7.1
Syntaxpublic enum ControlPanelItem
Public Enumeration ControlPanelItem
public enum class ControlPanelItem
| Member name | Value | Description |
| AllTasks | 0 |
All tasks
| QuickAccess | 1 |
Quick access
| Favorites | 2 |
| PowerOptions | 3 |
Power Options
| Taskbar | 4 |
| CredentialManager | 5 |
Credential Manager
| DefaultPrograms | 6 |
Set User Defaults
| RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections | 7 |
Workspaces Center
| WindowsFirewall | 8 |
Windows Defender Firewall
| PhoneAndModem | 9 |
Phone and Modem Control Panel
| SpeechRecognition | 10 |
Speech Recognition
| UserAccounts | 11 |
User Accounts
| RegionAndLanguage | 12 |
Region and Language
| HomeGroup | 13 |
HomeGroup Control Panel
| Mouse | 14 |
Mouse Control Panel
| FolderOptions | 15 |
Folder Options
| Keyboard | 16 |
Keyboard Control Panel
| Display | 17 |
Display Control Panel
| DeviceManager | 18 |
Device Manager
| ProgramsAndFeatures | 19 |
Programs and Features
| TabletPCSettings | 20 |
Tablet PC Settings Control Panel
| IndexingOptions | 21 |
Indexing Options Control Panel
| NetworkAndSharingCenter | 22 |
Network and Sharing Center
| AutoPlay | 23 |
| SyncCenter | 24 |
Sync Center Folder
| Recovery | 25 |
System Recovery
| InternetOptions | 26 |
Internet Options
| DevicesAndPrinters | 27 |
Device Center
| ColorManagement | 28 |
Color Management
| BackupAndRestore | 29 |
Windows 7 File Recovery
| System | 30 |
| ActionCenter | 31 |
Security and Maintenance CPL
| Fonts | 32 |
Microsoft Windows Font Folder
| Language | 33 |
Language Settings
| Troubleshooting | 34 |
| TextToSpeech | 35 |
Text to Speech Control Panel
| AdministrativeTools | 36 |
Administrative Tools
| EaseOfAccessCenter | 37 |
Ease of Access
| BitLockerDriveEncryption | 38 |
Secure Startup
| DateAndTime | 39 |
Date and Time Control Panel
| Personalization | 40 |
Personalization Control Panel
| Sound | 41 |
Sound Control Panel
| FileHistory | 42 |
History Vault
| PenAndTouch | 43 |
Pen and Touch Control Panel
| StorageSpaces | 44 |
Storage Spaces
Bitness of calling application and OS must match to show control panel items. Ensure application is targeted architecture \"Any CPU\"!
See Also