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IShellControlConnector Interface

Interface for ShellControlConnector that is used by WPF controls to inform on path changes/>.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Core (in ShellBrowser.Core.dll) Version: 7.1
public interface IShellControlConnector

The IShellControlConnector type exposes the following members.

Public methodCanNavigate
Use this function to check if navigating the passed ItemIdList is allowed.
Public methodDeregisterShellControl
Deregisters a control with the ShellControlConnector
Public methodPathChanged
Used by the connected controls for synchronization. Sets a new path in the ShellControlConnector.
Public methodRegisterShellControl
Registers a control with the ShellControlConnector
Public methodSelectedFileChanged
Used by the connected controls for synchronization. Usually this method should not be called by the user directly.
See Also