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SearchOptions Class

The SearchOptions class defines different options
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser (in ShellBrowser.dll) Version: 7.0
public class SearchOptions

The SearchOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccessInterval
Set an interval for the last access time of files to be included in the result set.
Public propertyCreationInterval
Set an interval for the creation attribute of files to be included in the result set.
Public propertyFilesOnly
Set this to true if you want to only include files in your search.
Public propertyFilter
You can use a single pattern, e.g. '*.doc' or concatenate several patterns using semicolons to separate them, e.g. '*.exe;*.com'.
Public propertyFilterIgnoreCase
Per default this property is true, if the Filter property is set to a wildcard, the files are filtered case-insensitive. If this property is false, the files returned are case sensitive, e.g. setting Filter to "*.png" will not return any files with extensions like ".PNG".
Public propertyFilterList Obsolete.
Get an array of the filter strings defined by setting the Filter property.
Public propertyFilterRegex
Set the FilterRegex property to match against a regular expression. This property is also set if the Filter property is modified. If null the filter matches against everything.
Public propertyIncludeHidden
If this is set to true, the search will include hidden files and folders
Public propertyLastWriteInterval
Set an interval for the last write access of files to be included in the result set.
Public propertyMaxFileSize
The maximum filesize for inclusion in the search result.
Public propertyMinFileSize
The minimum filesize for inclusion in the search result.
Public propertyRecursiveSearch
Set this to true if the folder shall be searched recursively.
Public propertyRegexPattern
Attribute to set the FilterRegex in property editor.
Public methodAssign
Assigns the SearchOptions from the object given as the "other" parameter.
Public methodFilterMatches
Check whether the given object name matches the the filters set in the Filter property.
See Also