Click or drag to resize

ShellControlConnector Methods

The ShellControlConnector type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeregisterShellControl
Deregisters a control with the ShellControlConnector
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides Component.Dispose(Boolean).)
Public methodFullRefreshControls
Calls the FullRefresh() FullRefresh() method for all connected controls.
Public methodGetCaptionForHistoryElement
Retrieve the caption of a history element at the index given.
Public methodGetHistoryElement
Retrieve the history element at the index given.
Public methodIsMovePossible
Checks if a move by delta steps in the history is possible.
Public methodMoveInHistory
Move the pointer in the History by delta items. If delta is positive, move forward. Move backward if delta is negative.
Protected methodOnFileChanged
Fire the OnFileChanged event.
Protected methodOnFolderChanged
Triggers the FolderChanged event.
Public methodPathChanged
This public method is used by the connected controls for synchronization. Usually this method should not be called by the user directly.
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel)
Refreshes the information displayed in all controls connected with this ShellControlConnector.
Public methodRefresh(IShellControl, RefreshLevel, ItemIdList)
Refreshes the information displayed in all controls connected with this ShellControlConnector except the passed control, which usually will be the caller.
Public methodRegisterShellControl
Registers a control with the ShellControlConnector
Public methodSelectedFileChanged
This public method is used by the connected controls for synchronization. Usually this method should not be called by the user directly.
Public methodSmartRefreshControls
Calls the SmartRefresh() SmartRefresh() method for all connected controls
See Also