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WorkerThreadPoolQueueUserWorkItem Method

Overload List
Public methodQueueUserWorkItemT(ActionT)
Public methodQueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback)
Adds a user work item to the Threadpool that is immediately being processed.
Public methodQueueUserWorkItemT(ActionT, T)
Public methodQueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback, Object)
Adds a user work item to the Threadpool that is immediately being processed.
Public methodQueueUserWorkItemT(ActionT, T, String)
Public methodQueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback, Object, Int32)
Adds a user work item to the Threadpool that is immediately being processed and tagged with the given handle.
Public methodQueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback, Object, Int32, Int32)
Adds a user work item to the Threadpool that is processed after the given time and tagged with the given handle.
See Also