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WorkerThreadPool Properties

The WorkerThreadPool type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberInstance
Get a lazy initialized singleton instance of WorkerThreadPool (thread-safe). Per default the Threadpool is prepared for usage with COM, see InstanceInitializesCOM.
Public propertyStatic memberInstanceInitializesCOM
Whether the threadpool returned by Instance initializes to let the threads in the pool make use of COM objects. The default value is true.
Public propertyStatic memberInstanceUsesLIFO
Whether the threadpool returned by Instance uses LIFO, the default value is false
Public propertyMaxBusyTime
The maximum time a thread may be busy until it is aborted.
Public propertyMaxCpuUsage
The maximum cpu usage in percent were spawning additional worker threads is allowed
Public propertyMaxIdleTime
The maximum time a thread may be idle until it is removed from the pool if more that MinWorkerThreads are available
Public propertyMaxTimeUntilHardTerminate
Gets or sets the maximum time threads are given to finish when the ThreadPool is terminated before they are aborted.
Public propertyMaxWorkerThreads
The maximum number of worker threads the pool may allocate
Public propertyMinWorkerThreads
The minimum number of worker threads
Protected propertyPaused
If this property is set to true the processing of new work items is paused, if it is set to false, processing is resumed. Getter and setter of this method are thread safe.
Public propertyQueryCpuUsage
If this property is set to true, the threadpool queries the current overall cpu load to determine whether to start additional threads that process the work items. . The default value for this setting is true.
Public propertyQueueLength
Returns the number of work items residing in the queue waiting to get processed by the next free thread.
Public propertyTerminated
Public propertyUseLIFO
If set to False, the oldest work item in the queue will be used a next item. This is the default value. If set to True, the newest work item in the queue will be used as next work item. True can be a good setting if the number of work items is large and their order doesn't matter
Public propertyWorkItemsCount
Returns the number of current work items.
See Also