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ICommonPreviewHandlerHost Interface

Interface for the host of a PreviewHandler, i.e. the control hosing a CommonPreviewHandler. It is used to provide the handle and displayRect to the system's PreviewHandler. Also it must provide an "OnLoaded" eventhandler that is called after the preview has been loaded asynchronously.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Core (in ShellBrowser.Core.dll) Version: 6.3.1
public interface ICommonPreviewHandlerHost

The ICommonPreviewHandlerHost type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDisplayRect
Gets display rectangle.
Public methodGetSynchronizationContext
PreviewHost must provide its SynchronizationContext to be used by async events.
Public methodGetWindowHandle
Gets window handle.
Public methodOnCommonPreviewHandlerLoaded
Controls implementing this interface must implement this eventhandler, which is called after the preview has been loaded.
See Also