•Date {%Date()%}:
Defines a placeholder, which will be automatically replaced by the current date formatted as dd.mm.yyyy in the email.
Example: Returns the current date in standard format (dd.mm.yyyy), e.g. 24.12.2012.
•Time {%Time()%}:
Defines a placeholder, which will be automatically replaced by the current time formatted as hh.mm.ss in the email.
Example: Returns the current time in standard format (hh::nn:ss), e.g. 08:05:10.
Please note that this feature is available in SmartSerialMail Enterprise Edition only
•Recursive Placeholder {r}placeholderorfunction{/r}:
Defines a recursive placeholder function which may be used to insert templates in dependence of particular conditions. It is also possible to join more than one placeholder function. SmartSerialMail processes the chosen placeholder/placeholderfunctions from the inside to the outside.
{r} %salutation_({%Gender})% {/r}
You have a column named "Gender" in your recipient list.
Through the template in this example you set the salutation of your mail dependent on the gender of the recipient.
For this function to be working correctly, a column named "Gender" has to exist in the recipient list. Also templates with the names "salutation_?" have to exist, which have to cover up all of the possible entries in the column "Gender". You replace the question marks in the template names with the possible column entries. In this case, three entries are possible in the column "Gender": "m", "f" or the column is empty, if you don't know the gender of the recipient. So you create three templates with the names "salutation_m", "salutation_f" and "salutation_", where you enter the text which is to be inserted in the respective case.
•If...then... {%IfThen(PLACEHOLDER,MATCH,OUTPUT)%}{/r}:
Checks if PLACHOLDER equals the value of MATCH and prints OUTPUT.
Example: {r}IfThen({%Titel%} , Dr., Doctor)%{/r}, prints "Doctor" if the column "Title" matches the value "Dr.", otherwise nothing will be printed.
•Concat {%concat(PLACEHOLDER,PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}:
Concats two values and prints the result.
•Contains {r}{%contains(placeholder, contains)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which checks for a given placeholder if it contains a specific value(contains). If it does, the function will return the value "True", otherwise the value "False".
Example: {r}{%contains({%First_name%}, Dr.)%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail checks if the first name of the current recipient contains the title "Dr.", in this case SmartSerialMail returns "True", otherwise "False".
•Is Empty {r}{%isEmpty(PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}
Prints "True" if PLACEHOLDER is empty, otherwise "False" is printed.
•Replace {r}{%replace(placeholder, search, replace)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which looks up a specific value(search) in a given placeholder and replaces all occurrences of it a by another value(replace).
Example: {r}{%replace({%First_name%}, Max, Tom)%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail seeks for "Max" in the first name of the current recipient an replaces it with "Tom".
•Substring {r}{%substr(placeholder, start, length)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which extracts a substring from a given placeholder beginning at a desired start position with a specific length.
Example: {r}{%substr({%First_name%}, 5, 3)%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail returns the next 3 characters beginning from the 5th letter of the first name of the current recipient, e.g. for "Johnson" SmartSerialMail would return "son".
•Trim {r}{%trim(placeholder)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholderfunction which trims all whitespaces at the beginning and the end of a given placeholder.
Example: {r}{%trim({%Email%})%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail removes all potential occurring blanks before and after the e-mail address of the current recipient, e.g. " costumer@provider.com" wird zu "costumer@provider.com"
•Uppercase {r}{%uppercase(placeholder)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which converts all lowercase characters of a given placeholder into uppercase characters.
Example: {r}{%uppercase({%First_name%})%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail converts all lowercase letters in the first name of the current recipient into uppercase letters, e.g. "Max" would be converted to "MAX".
•Lowercase {r}{%lowercase(placeholder)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which converts all uppercase characters of a given placeholder into lowercase characters.
Example: {r}{%lowercase({%First_name%})%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail converts all uppercase letters in the first name of the current recipient into lowercase letters, e.g. "Max" would be converted to "max".
•Date (formatted) {r}{%date(dateformat)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which returns the current date formatted with the desired date format,
e.g. dd.mm.yyyy.
Possible formatting strings:
y = Current Year with last 2 digits
yy = Current Year with last 2 digits
yyyy = Current Year as 4 digits
m = Current Month number no-leading 0
mm = Current Month number as 2 digits
mmm = Current Month using short day names (Jan)
mmmm = Current Month using long day names (January)
d = Current Day number no-leading 0
dd = Current Day number as 2 digits
ddd = Current Day using short day names (Sun)
dddd = Current Day using long day names (Sunday)
ddddd = Current Day in short date format
dddddd = Current Day in long date format
. = Current Date separated by "."
{r}{%date(mm.dd.yyyy)%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail returns the current date formatted as mm.dd.yyyy,
e.g. 12.24.2012.
Some more examples:
d.m.y = 1.1.12
dd.mm.yy = 01.01.12
ddd d mmm yyyy = Sun 1 Jan 2012
dddd d mmmm yyyy = Sunday 1 January 2012
ddddd = 01.01.2012
dddddd = 01 January 2012
•Time (formatted) {r}{%time(timeformat)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which returns the current time formatted with the desired time format,
e.g. hh:nn:ss.
Possible formatting strings:
h = Current Hour number no-leading 0
hh = Current Hour number as 2 digits
n = Current Minute number no-leading 0
nn = Current Minute number as 2 digits
s = Current Second number no-leading 0
ss = Current Second number as 2 digits
z = Current Milli-sec number no-leading 0s
zzz = Current Milli-sec number as 3 digits
t = Current time in short time format
tt = Current time in long time format
: = Current time separated by ":"
am/pm = Use after "h" gives 12 hours + am/pm
a/p = Use after "h" gives 12 hours + a/p
ampm = Gives 12 hours as 2 digits for hh and with no-leading 0 for h
Examples: {r}{%time(hh:nn)%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail returns the current time formatted as
hh:nn, e.g. 01:02.
Some more examples:
hham/pm = 01am
t = 01:02
tt = 01:02:03
hh:nn:ss:zzz = 01:02:03:004
•Days since {r}{%since(PLACEHOLDER,DATEFORMAT)%}{/r}:
Returns the number of days since the date given in PLACEHOLDER.
Via DATEFORMAT forat of the date is specified (see date()).
•MD5 Hash {r}{%md5(placeholder)%}{/r}:
Defines a placeholder function which calculates the hash value of a given placeholder using the Message-Digest 5 algorithm.
Example: {r}{%md5({%Email%})%}{/r}, here SmartSerialMail returns the MD5 hash value ensuing from the e-mail address of the current recipient.
•Encode Base64 {r}{%EncodeBase64(PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}:
Tranforms a text in PLACEHOLDER into a Base64 encoded Text.
•Decode Base64 {r}{%DecodeBase64(PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}:
Transforms a already Base64 encoded Text in PLACEHOLDER into normal text.
•Encode HTML Entities {r}{%EncodeHTML(PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}:
Replaces all relevant characters in PLACEHOLDER by their HTML-Entities.
•Decode HTML Entities {r}{%DecodeHTML(PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}:
Replaces all HTML-Entities in PLACEHOLDER by normal charters.
•{r}{%PrintIfNotEmpty(PLACEHOLDER, PLACEHOLDER)%}{/r}:
Prints the value of second PLACEHOLDER, in case first PLACEHOLDER is not empty (not only spaces).
Includes a file (HTML or Text) into the content.
Saves the content, depending on filename extension as PDF or as JPG.
•{FOREACH #One;two;three#}Output: #VALUE# {/FOREACH} :
Creates output for each element in the list with #VALUE# as the current element.