Treemap Tab

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Treemap Tab

The contextual ribbon tab Chart Options provides individual options for the treemap chart. This tab is only available, if the treemap chart is shown.



Show in right pane

Allows to define the position of the treemap chart. Activate this option to show the treemap chart on the right side of the window, beneath the Directory Tree.

Show at bottom

Activate this option instead to show the treemap chart at the bottom of the window, below the Directory Tree.


Level of detail

Change the detail level of the treemap chart. With an increasing detail level, smaller tiles will also be drawn. Use a lower level of detail to focus on the larger elements and improve drawing speeds.

Show single files

if activated, single files will be drawn as individual tiles on the treemap chart.

Show chart in 3D

View chart in 3D or 2D.

Show hierarchy

If activated, the hierarchical folder structure will be visualized. Deactivate to show the last elements of the hierarchy (files or folders) only.

Show legend

Displays a legend for the treemap chart.

Show labels

if activated, a caption for each individual tile is shown.

Show free space on drive

if activated, the free space on a drive will be shown as an own tile in the treemap chart. Requires the currently selected item to be a drive.


Enable Drag&Drop operations

Allows to configure if Drag&Drop operations should be allowed with the treemap chart. This option is disabled by default to avoid unintentional move operations.