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Looking for files and folders on your local hard drive or network? UltraSearch delivers the results within seconds.

In addition to searching by file name, you can also search for specific file groups such as office or video files. It is also possible to search for file contents. There are also numerous other functions for a targeted, fast search.


UltraSearch offers you:

A quick search for file names.

A clear, well-structured user interface.

The search for file groups such as office or video files.

The search for file contents in text files, PDF files and much more.

Highlighting search terms in results.

Quick filters for minimum and maximum size of the searched files. (Professional Edition only)

Quick filters to limit the modification, creation and access dates of the searched files. (Professional Edition only)

Save and load different search settings (Professional Edition only)

A simple combination of several search terms using keywords like 'AND' or 'OR'.

Bracket support to group search terms. (Professional Edition only)

Search on network drives (All Editions), within network domains and on Windows servers. (Professional Edition only)

Searching on Sharepoint Online (Professional Edition only)

A simple drive selection by simply selecting and deselecting the drives to be searched.

The exclusion of file names or paths via an exclude filter.

Advanced information about the search results such as size, file age or attributes.

A file preview of image files, video files or office files.

Sorting the results according to various criteria such as name, size, or file age.

Bulk renaming for the simultaneous renaming of several files and folders based on certain rules.

Advanced operations to move, copy, or archive files. (Professional Edition only)

The export of the results to a text or CSV file (All Editions) as well as a PDF, Excel or HTML file. (Professional Edition only)

Hotkey and autostart support for quick program usage.

The use of regular expressions.

An automatic saving of the last search terms. (optional)

The use of the Windows Explorer context menu within the application.

A portable version for usage from a USB stick.


Thanks to the innovative use of the MFT (Master File Table) of NTFS partitions, UltraSearch achieves very high speeds without burdening the system by creating and updating an index file. Only the system's internal memory is used for indexing. UltraSearch also recognizes NTFS hard links.