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To install UltraSearch, run the installation program and follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

The installation program copies all necessary files to the hard disk and creates a new program group in the start menu.

You can uninstall UltraSearch in the Control Panel under "Programs and Features".

A list of the supported operating systems can be found on our homepage.


Portable Installation

Visit our Knowledge Base for information about a portable version of UltraSearch.


For an unattended installation or rollout, different command line parameters are available that can be passed to the setup:



Installs the software with the default values ​​without user interaction. The installation progress is displayed.


Installs the software without user interaction with the default values ​​​​without any visual feedback.



Registriert die Software mit dem angegebenen Installationsschlüssel.



Registers the software with the specified installation key.

/SharepointDefault ""

Specifies the path to Sharepoint Online to use for Sharepoint search.

/AADApplicationID 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012

Specifies the application ID to use when using SharePoint search with multi-factor authentication (MFA).

/AADRedirectURI myapp://auth

Specifies the redirect URI to use when using SharePoint search with multi-factor authentication (MFA).