Blacklist and Whitelist

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Blacklist and Whitelist


Specify an email address or domains of senders which should be treated as spam (Blacklist) or good email (Whitelist).

Whitelist and blacklist addresses are managed as file-glob-style patterns, so, *, or * will all work.
Specifically, * and ? are allowed, but all other metacharacters are not.
For further information see:

You can use the "Add all email addresses of the Active Directory" button to import all email addresses from your Active-Directory to the Whitelist. You should only do this if your are using your Exchange Server "from outside" as relay or SMTP server.


Text window

In this window there are text windows that you can edit. A toolbar is available for this purpose:

Cut: Cuts the selected text from the text window. Works like the key combination Ctrl + X

Copy: Copies the selected text. Works like the key combination Ctrl + C

Paste: Pastes the text currently stored on the clipboard into the text window. Works like the key combination Ctrl + V

Undo: Discards the last change in the text window. Works like the key combination Ctrl + Z

Redo: Restores a change discarded with "Undo". Works like the key combination Ctrl + Y

Search: Opens a dialog to search for text. With a click on "Replace" you switch to the tab "Find and Replace". You can use different options to search:

Match case: The search is case sensitive. Foo and foo are two different terms

Match whole word: Shows only results that match the search text and are single words

Regular Expression: Allows the use of regular expressions in the formulation of the search query

Wildcards: Allows the use of wildcard characters like "*" or "?"

Search up: When clicking on "Find next" the next highest result is displayed

Apply line breaks: Determines whether a line break should occur when the text is displayed or whether the text at the right-hand edge of the text field should disappear. In this case you can use the navigation bar below the field to navigate left and right

Show line numbers: Shows or hides the line numbers left of the text field

Show end of line: Displays a symbol after each line end to mark where the line ends