ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation
ShellBrowser.TShellControlHelper Members
TShellControlHelper Methods
Applies the Font that is used by the Windows Explorer. 
Applies the Font that is used by the Windows Explorer. 
Applies the Style that is used by the Windows Explorer. 
Applies the Style that is used by the Windows Explorer. 
Manipulates the registry to change the icon used for the given pFileExtensions 
This method converts the given DWORD to a string containing the Attributes.  
Checks if authentication is required to access the given path and shows a login dialog if necessary. 
Creates a copy of a given popup menu. 
Returns True if the given control (ShellList or ShellTree) shows file extensions of known file types. False if they are hidden.  
Creates a IDragSourceHelper COM object that enables Windows Vista+ style drag images and drag hints. 
Enables Windows auto complete features for edit controls.  
This function returns an IDataObject for multiple files in different folders 
Returns a caption for the passed ItemIdList, regarding the passed name format.  
Returns a list of file paths if files (CF_HDROP) are currently in the clipboard.  
This function returns a window hanlde that can be used for passing it to Windows API functions. 
Reads a value from the Windows Registry. 
Returns the width and height in pixels for the given text. 
Returns the width in pixels for the given text. 
Prepares a new file name before renaming a file, so the file name can be used correctly for renaming.  
Returns the given pixels scaled to the user's dpi settings. 
Set the height of a TTreeNode un multiples of the default node height of the TTreeView control. 
Set the height of treenodes in a TTreeView control. 
Returns True if Windows Explorer automatically jumps to the selected folder; False otherwise.  
Returns True if all folders are shown in the navigation pane of the Windows Explorer info tooltips according to user's settings.  
Returns True if Favorites should be shown in the navigation pane of the Windows Explorer according to user's settings or operating system standards.  
Returns True if info tooltips are shown in Windows.  
Returns True if Libraries should be shown in the navigation pane of the Windows Explorer according to user's settings or operating system standards.  
Returns True if the element represented by the passed folder class id should be shown in the navigation pane of the Windows Explorer according to user's settings or operating system standards.  
Returns True if the OneDrive folder should be shown in the navigation pane of the Windows Explorer according to user's settings or operating system standards.  
Returns True if single click activation is turned on in Windows.  
Determines if enumerating the folder asynchronously (using the notification system) is appropriate.  
This method converts the given variant to a string.  
Returns True if a variant is not empty and contains a value which is not null, 0.0 or the empty string. 
TShellControlHelper Properties
Returns True if no confirmation dialog is shown when deleting files in Windows.  
Returns True if the file extensions of known file types are hidden in Windows.