Click or drag to resize

PathEdit Properties

The PathEdit type exposes the following members.

Public propertyButton
Gives access to the embedded Button.
Public propertyContextMenuStrip
Get or set the contextmenu strip of the control.
(Overrides ControlContextMenuStrip.)
Public propertyDefaultExt
Gets or sets the default file name extension. Example: "txt"
Public propertyDialogTitle
Change the window title of the browse dialog, that will be opened if the user pressed the browse button on the right.
Public propertyFileBrowserDialog
Returns a reference to an OpenFileDialog
Public propertyFileFilter
Edit your own filter options for the opendialog. Example: Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*
Public propertyFileNames
Contains the selected files from the FileBrowserDialog.
Public propertyFocused
Gets a value indicating whether the TextBox control has input focus.
Public propertyFolderBrowserDialog
Returns a reference to a FolderBrowserDialog.
Public propertyFolderMode
Use this property to select if the dialog for browsing for a file, or for a folder should be displayed.
Public propertyIsInitializing
The value this property is true between the calls BeginInit() and EndInit() of the ISupportInitialize interface.
Public propertyIsValidPath
Check if the selected file or folder is existing on your system at the moment.
Public propertyPath
Use this property to get or set the path in the edit field.
Public propertyShellAutoCompletionMode
This property controls the availability of the shells autocompletion mode, if set to FileSystem, Url or both, the PathEdit control provides autocompletion mode with a via a drop down box. If disabled the default behavior is used. Both, FileSystem and Url can be specified at once. FileSystem is enabled by default. Url needs to be used to also provide autocompletion for UNC-Paths.
Public propertyText
Get or set the text visible in the editor.
(Overrides UserControl.Text.)
Public propertyTextBox
Gives access to the embedded TextBox.
Public propertyToolTip
Sets the ToolTip text for the embedded TextBox.
Public propertyVersion
The current version of the ShellBrowser.
See Also