Click or drag to resize

ShellTreeView Methods

The ShellTreeView type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRoot(String)
Adds a root.
Public methodAddRoot(ItemIdList)
Adds a root.
Public methodAddRoot(ShellFolder)
Adds a root.
Protected methodAddShellItem
This methods adds the currently active object of the m_ShellBrowser to the TreeNode.
Public methodBeginInit
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
Protected methodChangeNotificationHandler
This method gets called by the ShellChangeNotifier object and informs about changes in the current folder. It sets the cursor of the ShellTreeView to the correct position if i.e. a file was renamed, a network drive was unmounted, etc.
Public methodClearRoots
Clears all roots in the ShellTreeView.
Public methodCompare
Compares two ShellTreeNode objects by their ItemIdList.
Protected methodCompleteDetails
Completes the visual details of the given item, e.g. icon, overlay image etc.
Public methodCreateDir(String, Boolean)
This method creates a new directory with the name of the string argument p_FolderName in the currently SelectedPath. If EditMode is True, the new folder will be switched to the edit mode after creation so that the user can change its name.
Public methodCreateDir(String, String, Boolean)
This method creates a new directory with the name of the string argument foldername in the given path. If EditMode is True, the new folder will be switched to the edit mode after creation so that the user can change its name.
Protected methodCreateShellTreeNode
This methods creates a new ShellTreeNode but does not yet include it in the parentNode.
Public methodDisplayContextMenu
Shows the shell context menu for the currently selected item
Protected methodDispose
Remove reference to ShellControlConnector and implicitely remove this control from the list of known controls of the ShellControlConnector
(Overrides TreeViewDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEnableSystemStyles
Sets system specific behaviour, i.e. disables the lines in the ShellTreeView for Vista and upwards.
Public methodEndInit
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
Protected methodFillFolder
Fills in the subfolders in a node
Protected methodFindNode(ItemIdList, Boolean)
Searches for the first node, that represents the passed ItemIdList. Checks all roots in the ShellTree.
Protected methodFindNode(ItemIdList, Boolean, ShellTreeNode)
Searches for the first node, that represents the passed ItemIdList. Checks all roots in the ShellTree.
Protected methodFindNode(ShellTreeNode, ItemIdList, Boolean, ShellTreeNode)
Searches for the first node, that represents the passed ItemIdList.
Public methodFolderChanged
Change the current folder to the one given in parameter throws ArgumentNullException if the argument was null
Public methodFullRefresh
Use the FullRefresh method if you want to refresh a ShellTreeView. All expanded branches of the file system structure will be refreshed. If you just want to refresh one node and its child nodes, use the RefreshNode(ShellTreeNode, Boolean, Boolean) method.
Protected methodGotoFolderIdList(ItemIdList)
Selects the ShellTreeNode for the given ItemIdList.
Public methodGotoFolderIdList(ItemIdList, ShellTreeViewGotoFolderIdListAction)
Tries to find the ShellTreeNode for the given ItemIdList and executes the requested action on it.
Public methodGoUp
Go up one level in the tree, does nothing if the SelectedNode is null of if the SelectedNode has no Parent (is root)
Protected methodInformPathChanged
Informs the ShellControlConnector that the selected shell folder has changed.
Public methodInvokeCommandOnSelected
Invokes the Command given as a parameter on the currently selected Node, any necessary events are created
Protected methodOnAddTreeNode
Fires an event if an item is added to the tree.
Public methodOnAfterInvokeCommand
Is called after the command has been called.
Protected methodOnAfterLabelEdit
This event is triggered if the user edited a treenode and renamed it it is only active if the property base.LabelEdit was set to true
(Overrides TreeViewOnAfterLabelEdit(NodeLabelEditEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnAfterSelect
This member overrides OnAfterSelect(TreeViewEventArgs)
(Overrides TreeViewOnAfterSelect(TreeViewEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnBeforeCollapse
Raises the BeforeCollapse event.
(Overrides TreeViewOnBeforeCollapse(TreeViewCancelEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnBeforeExpand
This event is triggered before a tree node is expanded, by clicking on 'plus', in case the node has not been expanded before, it will instantly be filled with the files found in that particular path (by AddShellItem(ShellTreeNode, ShellBrowser))
(Overrides TreeViewOnBeforeExpand(TreeViewCancelEventArgs).)
Public methodOnBeforeInvokeCommand
Is called before the command is called.
Protected methodOnBeforeLabelEdit
This event is triggered if the user just starts editing a label
(Overrides TreeViewOnBeforeLabelEdit(NodeLabelEditEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnBeforeShellDrop
Calls the BeforeShellDrop event if it is assigned.
Protected methodOnCheckStateChanged
Fires an event if the CheckState of an item has changed.
Protected methodOnCreateControl (Overrides ControlOnCreateControl.)
Protected methodOnDoubleClick
Override the OnDoubleClick event to try to perform the default action for the selected object if it is a file.
(Overrides ControlOnDoubleClick(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDragDrop
This member overrides OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs)
(Overrides ControlOnDragDrop(DragEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDragEnter
This member overrides OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs)
(Overrides ControlOnDragEnter(DragEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDragLeave
This member overrides OnDragLeave(EventArgs)
(Overrides ControlOnDragLeave(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDragOver
This member overrides OnDragOver(DragEventArgs)
(Overrides ControlOnDragOver(DragEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDrawNode
Loads the node and raises the draw tree node event.
(Overrides TreeViewOnDrawNode(DrawTreeNodeEventArgs).)
Public methodOnFolderUpdated
Fires the FolderUpdated event with the given argument and "this" as the sender
Protected methodOnHandleCreated
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
(Overrides TreeViewOnHandleCreated(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnItemChecked
Raises the OnItemCheckedEvent.
Protected methodOnItemDrag
This member overrides OnItemDrag(ItemDragEventArgs)
(Overrides TreeViewOnItemDrag(ItemDragEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnKeyDown
Overrides the OnKeyDown event to handle key strokes for the currently selected item. Currently, if the spacebar is pressed, the checkboxes are toggled.
(Overrides TreeViewOnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnKeyUp
Overrides the OnKeyUp event to handle key strokes for the currently selected item e.g. the ContextMenuPopup key
(Overrides TreeViewOnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMouseUp
Overrides the OnMouseUp event, to handle e.g. double clicks and right clicks on files or folders
(Overrides ControlOnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnOperation
Fires an event if an operation was performed on the ShellTreeView, i.e. an Item was pasted.
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel, ItemIdList)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
Protected methodRefreshNode
Refreshes a Node, by clearing its content, and refilling the sub-tree with new, probably more current information from the file-system OnBeforeExpand(TreeViewCancelEventArgs)
Protected methodScaleControl
Scales a control's location, size, padding and margin.
(Overrides ControlScaleControl(SizeF, BoundsSpecified).)
Public methodSelectedFileChange
Change the currently selected file, if ShowFiles is true throws ArgumentNullException if the argument was null
Public methodSelectSubFolder
Selects a sub folder (if existant) of the name given as a parameter if p_FolderName is null an ArgumentNullException is thrown. if no node is currently selected nothing happens and false is returned. if no sub folder of the given name exists the method returns false as well.
Protected methodSetFont
Sets the font without adjusting other properties.
Public methodShowContextMenuForNode
Shows the shell context menu for the item given as a parameter
Public methodSmartRefresh
Use the SmartRefresh to update the contents of a ShellTreeView. In comparison to the FullRefresh method, SmartRefresh is much faster, but only removes objects which have been deleted and adds objects which have been added. It doesn't update changed file sizes or dates. Usually this method will be called automatically, when a file was added or deleted.
Protected methodWndProc
Overrides the WindProc function and filters ERASEBKGND to avoid flickering.
(Overrides TreeViewWndProc(Message).)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodHandleNeeded
A Control extension method that ensures that the handle for a control is created.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodScaledPixels
An extension method for controls: It scales the passed pixels according to the current dpi the control is displayed with.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodScaleFont
A Control extension method that scales font according to the passed factor.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
See Also