Click or drag to resize

ShellAddressBar Class

This control represents the breadcrumb style addressbar known from Windows Explorer. Its main part splits the current path into "breadcrumb" elements, that facilitates navigation. In edit mode, it is possible to type a path with the help of autosuggestion and autocompletion. Optionally the ShellAddressBar can also contain a history element on the left side, and a search edit box on the right side.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Jam.Shell.WPF.Controls.Winforms
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Winforms (in ShellBrowser.Winforms.dll) Version: 6.3.1
public class ShellAddressBar : JamWindowsFormsHost

The ShellAddressBar type exposes the following members.

Public methodShellAddressBar
Default constructor.
Public propertyAutomaticRefresh
Gets or sets if breadcrumbs should be refreshed according to filesystem changes.
Public propertyCanOverflow
Determines how the control handles overflow of items if there is not enough space for all breadcrumbs.
Public propertyControl
Returns the Winforms control wrapped by this instance. This might be necessary to access other properties not exposed by this wrapper.
Public propertyMaxDropDownCount
Gets or sets the number of items that should be displayed without vertical scrollbar.
Public propertyPath
This property allows you to get or set the folder to be set in the ShellAddressBar. If you want to display a non file system folder, use the SpecialFolder property.
Public propertyRootedAt
Defines the root folder of this ShellAddressBar
Public propertyRootedAtFileSystemFolder
Determines the root file system folder of a ShellAddressBar.
Public propertyRootedAtLocation
You can use this property to set the specific folder, which should be used as root for the ShellAddressBar. This is a dependency property.
Public propertySelectedItemIdList
SelectedItemIdList contains a pointer to the ItemIdList of the folder that is selected in the ShellAddressBar. This is a dependency property.
Public propertyShellControlConnector
Connects this control to a ShellControlConnector component, which allows to synchronize several shell controls.
Public propertyShowErrorMessages
Gets or sets if error messages should be shown.
Public propertyShowHidden
Is set to 'true', hidden elements will be shown too.
Public propertySpecialFolder
Gets or sets the selected special folder to be set in the ShellAddressBar.
Public propertyUseSystemFont
Set this property to true if you want the component to utilize the default system font.
Public propertyVersion
The current version of the ShellBrowser.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public propertyCode exampleVisiblePanes
Gets or sets the panes that are/should be visible. The middle pane (i.e. the BreadCrumb part) will always be visible.
Protected propertyWrappedControl
Gets or sets the control hosted by this instance.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodAfterInit
Must be called in "Initialized" eventhandler. Applies some common WPF settings to Windows.Forms.Control.
(Overrides JamWindowsFormsHostAfterInit.)
Protected methodApplyBackGround
Applies the backround.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodApplyFontSettings
Applies the font settings.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodApplyForeGround
If possible, sets the ForeColor property of the inner control to the Foreground property of the wrapper.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodFullRefresh
Executes a full refresh of the contents of the control.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodGoUp (Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Forces the translation of a mapped property.
(Overrides JamWindowsFormsHostOnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs).)
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel, ItemIdList)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodSmartRefresh
Executes a smart refresh of the contents of the control.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public eventBeforePathChange
This event is fired before a path is selected in the control. Setting the path can be canceled.
Public fieldStatic memberRootedAtLocationProperty
The DependencyProperty for RootedAtLocation.
Public fieldStatic memberSelectedItemIdListProperty
The DependencyProperty for SelectedItemIdList.

Use the VisiblePanes property to define the panes that should be displayed.

The component can be synchronized using the ShellControlConnector property.

See Also