Example 4: Use individual links

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Example 4: Use individual links


A recipient list with a column containing parts of the internet addresses to which you want to link



Depending on the interests of your customers you want to link to specific parts of your website. Your recipient list contains a column “Product category” with the values “garden”, “gift ideas”, etc. Your website can be accessed with these categories, for example www.my-shop.org/garden/ and www.my-shop.org/gift-ideas/.



Right-click on the position in your contents where you want to insert the link.

In the menu “Insert link” type in “{%Product category%} as name. This will ensure that the name of the selected product category will be used for the link.

Now fill in the desired address in the field “Location”. Make sure to use the same placeholder “{%Product category%}” to generate the corresponding links. In this example the “Location” is “www.my-shop.org/{%Product category%}”.

In the finished email each customer will see a link to their preferred product category.