Example 6: Send different attachments depending on the recipient

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Example 6: Send different attachments depending on the recipient


A recipient list with a column from which the different contents can be derived.



You want to send an invoice to your customers. Your recipient list contains a column “invoice number” with the invoice number for each recipient. You have created a PDF file for each recipient. The names of the PDF files contain the invoice number. For example: “Invoice #12345.pdf”



Select the tab “Attachments” in the Window "Contents" and click “Browse …”

Now choose one of the invoice files and confirm your selection.
(Example: “D:/invoices/Invoice #54321.pdf”)

Highlight the number of the PDF file and open the context menu by right-clicking on the selection. Select “Recipients Fields” in the menu "Placeholder" and select the column with the information of the recipient you want to insert. The final step is to click "Replace" to apply your changes.

This will attach the file corresponding to on the invoice number to each customer's email.
(Example: “D:/invoices/Invoice #{%invoice-number%}.pdf”)