Sensor View Ribbon

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Sensor View Ribbon

The ribbon of the sensor view gives you different options to edit, create, sort, activate, deactivate sensors and groups. It provides three fixed tabs - Home, View and Help - and three dynamic tabs - Data, Chart, Table.

Home Ribbon



Create Sensor

Show a list of sensors which you can choose the sensor you want to create from.

Create Group

Open a dialogue where you can create and configure a new group.

Create Hostgroup

Open a dialogue where you can create and configure a new host group.


Open a configuration dialogue for the selected sensor or group.


Delete the selected sensor or group. Multiple selection is possible.


Check Now

Performs immediately a check for the selected sensor.

RDP Connection

Open a remote desktop connection to the target host of the selected sensor.


Activate the selected sensor or group.


Deactivate the selected sensor or group. Multiple selection is possible.

Service Controller

Start Service

Starts the ServerSentinel service.

Stop Service

Stops the ServerSentinel service.


View Ribbon



Detail Area

Show or hide the detail area.


Time Unit

Select a unit to display the time values in (Auto, Milliseconds, Seconds, Minutes). Auto will use the highest possible unit which allows the value to be greater equals 1.

Size Unit

Select a unit to display the size values in (Auto, Bytes, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte). Auto will use the highest possible unit which allows the value to be greater equals 1.

Show relative time values

Date/time columns will show relative descriptions instead of normal values.

Use abbreviations

Use abbreviations instead of written-out words. Only available if "Show relative time values" is checked.



Change the layout of the sensors and groups to tree layout.


Change the layout of the sensors and groups to table layout.


Change the layout of the sensors and groups to tile layout.

Expand All Groups

Expand all groups in the focused view.

Collapse All Groups

Collapse all groups in the focused view.

Filter Sensors


Only show sensors and groups with error state in sensor view.


Only show sensors and groups with warning state in sensor view.


Only show sensors and groups with OK state in sensor view.

Current View

Sort By

Allows you to sort the view ascending or descending after a column.

Group By

Allows you to group the view using one or more columns or to clear the grouping.

Add/Remove Column

Allows you to add or remove the visible columns from the view.


Help Ribbon


Show Help

Show Help

Opens the help file for this program.

Show PDF Help

Opens the PDF help for this program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Opens the "Frequently Asked Questions" section in the help file.



Shows version and contact information.

Check For Update

Checks for updates.

What's New?

Opens the "What's New?" section in the help file.


Change Installation Key

Opens a dialogue where you can change the installation key.

Extend Maintenance

Opens the browser and navigates to customer area where you can extend your maintenance.


Data Ribbon

The data ribbon becomes visible, when one of the data views is selected.


Data Selection


Load data collected today.


Load data collected yesterday.

Last 7 Days

Load data collected for the past 7 days.

Last 30 Days

Load data collected for the past 30 days.


Load data in a specific time span you can set with "From" and "To".


Choose a start date for the graph or raw data to display.


Choose an end date for the graph or data to display.


Refresh the chart or table of your selected data.


Chart Ribbon

The chart ribbon becomes visible, when the chart views is selected.

Logarithmic Scaling

Numeric Axis

Enables or disables the logarithmic scale of the numeric axis.

Size Axis

Enables or disables the logarithmic scale of the size axis.

Time Axis

Enables or disables the logarithmic scale of the time axis.



Export the chart as an image file.

Copy to Clipboard

Copy the chart to the clipboard.


Print the chart.


Zoom In

Zoom into the chart.

Zoom Out

Zoom out of the chart.

Reset Zoom

Reset zoom to 100%.


Table Ribbon

The table ribbon becomes visible, when the table views is selected.



Delete the selected data. Multiple selection is possible.



Export the data to a file. If more than one element is selected only the selected ones will be exported.

Copy to Clipboard

Copy the selected data to the clipboard.


Print the data. If more than one element is selected only the selected sensors will be printed.

Filter Editor

Opens the filter editor where you can create complex filter conditions. Further information is available in the Filter Editor topic.