ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation

Base class for our ComboBox based controls that implements basic features shared among all our ComboBox controls.

TJamCustomFolderCombo = class(TJamCustomEditComboBox, IIconViewer);

Intended for internal use only.

Creates an instance of a TJamCustomEditComboBox component.  
Deletes an instance of a TJamCustomEditComboBox component.  
Creates an instance of a TJamCustomFolderCombo component.  
Destroys an instance of a TJamCustomFolderCombo component.  
Selects the entire block of text in the edit box.  
Undoes the last edit control operation.  
Adds the given ITemIdList to the dropdown list. 
Deletes all text from the edit box and all items from the Items list. 
Deletes the item with the given index from the Items list. 
Returns the index of the given path. 
Adds an item to this control.  
Returns True if the drop down list is about to close up or was just closing up; False otherwise. 
KeyPress processes standard keystroke messages for the combo box control. 
returns true if the user pressed the ESC key when the list was dropped down or the list was closed without selecting an item, false otherwise. Can be useful in the OnCloseUp Event. 
Determines if items can be scrolled when drop-down list is closed up.  
The Text in the Edit field. 
Occurs when the drop-down list closes up due to some user action.  
Specifies where a control looks for its font information. 
Set this property to true if you want the component to utilize the default system font. 
The version number of the ShellBrower controls. 
Determines how the control aligns within its container (parent control). 
Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent. 
Specifies options that control autocompletion. 
Specifies which edges of the control are beveled. 
Specifies the cut of the inner bevel. 
Specifies the control's bevel style. 
Specifies the cut of the outer bevel. 
Specifies the bidirectional mode for the control. See .  
Determines if items can be scrolled when drop-down list is closed up.  
Specifies the background color of the control.  
Use Constraints to specify the minimum and maximum width and height of the control. 
Determines whether a control has a three-dimensional (3-D) or two-dimensional look. 
Determines whether the control's image is rendered directly to the window or painted to an in-memory bitmap first.  
Specifies the image used to represent the mouse pointer when the control is being dragged. 
Specifies whether the control is being dragged normally or for docking. 
Specifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop or drag-and-dock operations. 
Specifies the maximum number of items displayed in the drop-down list.  
Controls the attributes of text written on or in the control. Make sure to turn off UseSystemFont before editing this control! Otherwise the changes will not persist.  
Determines the behavior of the input method editor (IME). 
Specifies the input method editor (IME) to use for converting keyboard input to Asian language characters. 
Specifies the height, in pixels, of the items in the drop-down list. 
Specifies the maximum number of characters the user can type into the edit portion of the combo box.  
Provides access to the list of TJamComboItems.  
Occurs when an attempt is made to resize the control. 
Occurs when the user changes the text displayed in the edit region.  
Occurs when the user clicks the control.  
Occurs when the drop-down list closes up due to some user action. 
Occurs when the user right-clicks the control or otherwise invokes the pop-up menu (such as using the keyboard). 
Occurs when the user double-clicks the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is over the control.  
Occurs when the user drops an object being dragged. 
Occurs when the user drags an object over a control. 
Occurs when the user opens the drop-down list.  
Occurs when the dragging of an object ends, either by docking the object or by canceling the dragging. 
Occurs when the dragging of an object ends, either by dropping the object or by canceling the dragging. 
Occurs when a control receives the input focus. 
Occurs when the input focus shifts away from one control to another. 
Occurs when you perform a gesture associated with this control. See .  
Occurs when a user presses any key while the control has focus. 
Occurs when key pressed.  
Occurs when the user releases a key that was pressed. 
Occurs when the user moves the mouse into a control. See .  
Occurs when the user moves the mouse outside of a control. See .  
Occurs when the user selects a string in the drop-down list. 
Occurs when the user begins to drag a control with a DragKind of dkDock. 
Occurs when the user begins to drag the control or an object it contains by left-clicking the control and holding the mouse button down. 
Specifies whether the control uses its parent's BiDiMode. See .  
Specifies where a control looks for its color information.  
Determines where a component looks to determine whether it should have a three-dimensional look. 
ParentDoubleBuffered defers the DoubleBuffered property of this component to the value of the parent's DoubleBuffered property. 
Specifies where a control looks for its font information. 
Specifies where a control looks to find out if its Help Hint should be shown. 
Specifies the pop-up menu associated with the control. 
Specifies whether to show the Help Hint when the mouse pointer moves over the control. 
Specifies the style elements that are used by the control. See .  
Specifies the style name for this control. 
Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order. 
Determines whether the user can tab to a control. 
Specifies the text string that is displayed in the edit box.  
Specifies the touch manager component associated with the control. See .  
Specifies whether the component appears onscreen.