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ShellTreeNode Properties

The ShellTreeNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbsoluteItemIdList
Get the absolute ItemIdList of the item.
Public propertyChecked
This property calls CheckState and returns true only if the item is CheckState.Checked and false if in CheckState.Grayed or CheckState.UnChecked.
Public propertyCheckState
If the CheckBoxes property of the ShellTreeView is true then this property can be used to get or set the check state. If the value that is set changes the item's checkstate, and a ShellControlConnector is assigned to the ShellTreeView the item is contained in, the SelectionList will be updated accordingly.
Public propertyCut
Defines if the item's image should be shown ghosted or not.
Public propertyFullPath
Use to get the full path of this item.
Public propertyHasChildren
true, if this ShellTreeNode has subfolders; otherwise false.
Public propertyIsEnumerable
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is enumerable, i.e. if it's a folder and has or could have children.
Public propertyIsFolder
true if the current item is a folder; otherwise false.
Public propertyOverlayImage
The index of the overlay image in the system image list that should be shown in front of the normal icon. This property will only be set if the ShowOverlayIcons property of ShowOverlayIcons is set to true.
Public propertyParent
The parent ShellTreeNode, null if this is a root node.
Public propertySpecialFolder
SpecialFolder allows you to get the type of the currently listed folder.
Public propertyTreeView
The ShellTreeView that contains this item.
See Also