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ShellTreeViewCreateDir Method (String, Boolean)

This method creates a new directory with the name of the string argument p_FolderName in the currently SelectedPath. If EditMode is True, the new folder will be switched to the edit mode after creation so that the user can change its name.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell.WPF.Controls.Winforms
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Winforms (in ShellBrowser.Winforms.dll) Version: 6.3.1
public bool CreateDir(
	string pFolderName,
	bool pEditMode


Type: SystemString
The name of the new folder. Do pass a single name only, not a full path. If an empty string is passed as foldername, a standard folder name will be used.
Type: SystemBoolean
Pass true, if the user should be able to edit the name of the new folder after its creation. Pass false if the new folder should not be in edit mode.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
True if the folder could be created, false if it fails.
See Also