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ShellTreeView Methods

The ShellTreeView type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRoot(String)
Adds a root.
Public methodAddRoot(ItemIdList)
Adds a root.
Public methodAddRoot(ShellFolder)
Adds a root.
Protected methodAfterInit
Must be called in "Initialized" eventhandler. Applies some common WPF settings to Windows.Forms.Control.
(Overrides JamWindowsFormsHostAfterInit.)
Protected methodApplyBackGround
Applies the backround.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodApplyFontSettings
Applies the font settings.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodApplyForeGround
If possible, sets the ForeColor property of the inner control to the Foreground property of the wrapper.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodClearRoots
Clears all roots in the ShellTreeView.
Public methodCreateDir(String, Boolean)
This method creates a new directory with the name of the string argument p_FolderName in the currently SelectedPath. If EditMode is True, the new folder will be switched to the edit mode after creation so that the user can change its name.
Public methodCreateDir(String, String, Boolean)
This method creates a new directory with the name of the string argument foldername in the given path. If EditMode is True, the new folder will be switched to the edit mode after creation so that the user can change its name.
Public methodFullRefresh
Executes a full refresh of the contents of the control.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodGoUp (Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Forces the translation of a mapped property.
(Overrides JamWindowsFormsHostOnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs).)
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodRefresh(RefreshLevel, ItemIdList)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
Public methodSelectSubFolder
Selects a sub folder (if existant) of the name given as a parameter if p_FolderName is null an ArgumentNullException is thrown. if no node is currently selected nothing happens and false is returned. if no sub folder of the given name exists the method returns false as well.
Public methodSmartRefresh
Executes a smart refresh of the contents of the control.
(Inherited from JamWindowsFormsHost.)
See Also