ShellBrowser Delphi Components Documentation

Helper class for ItemIdLists.

TItemIdListHelper = class;

We're dealing with IItemIdLists throughout ShellBrowser. This class avoids the need to extend the interface for every helper method. Also there are no extensions for interfaces.

Determines if the ItemIdList has subfolders.  
Determines if the passed ItemIdList is both a folder but also has an associated stream, such as for zip-files.  
Checks if the provided ItemIdList is of a network path (mapped or UNC does not matter) 
Checks if a given network path is accessible 
Determines if the ItemIdList is not assigned or invalid.  
Checks if the provided ItemIdList is of a UNC path 
Determines if the passed ItemIdList supports IShellFolder and IShellFolder2. This is needed for certain operations, like retrieving columns.  
Asynchronously retrieves the SpecialFolder for an ItemIdList.  
Asynchronously determines if the ItemIdList has subfolders.  
Asynchronously checks if the ItemIdList is valid. If the call is slow, returns true after a given timespan.  
Tries reloading the ItemIdList asynchronously giving the operation only a definable amount of time.  
Outputs verbose info of the passed ItemIdList.