FileList Methods |
The FileList type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Add(String) |
Adds a path to the filelist. The item is initialized unchecked and
it is assumed, that it is no duplicate entry.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
Add(String, Boolean) |
Adds a path to the filelist. The item is initialized with state given in checked parameter and
it is assumed, that it is no duplicate entry.
| |
Add(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Adds a file or path to the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
AddPathToTempList | Creates a new list item and adds it to the passed temporary list. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
AddShellColumn(Int32) |
Adds a shell column to the list view.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
AddShellColumn(Int32, Int32) | Adds a shell column with the given width to the list view. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
AddStrings(String) |
Adds a list of paths to the filelist.
The items are initialized to be unchecked. It is assumed that the paths do not contain
duplicates. If you want pass a filelist that may contain duplicates, use the
AddStrings(IEnumerableString, Boolean, Boolean) method.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
AddStrings(String, Boolean) |
Adds a list of paths to the filelist. It is assumed that the paths do not contain
duplicates. If you want pass a filelist that may contain duplicates, use the
AddStrings(IEnumerableString, Boolean, Boolean) method.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
AddStrings(IEnumerableString, Boolean, Boolean) |
Adds a list of paths to the filelist. It is assumed that the paths do not contain
duplicates. If you want to pass a filelist that may contain duplicates, use the
AddStrings(IEnumerableString, Boolean, Boolean) method.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
BaseOnDragDrop |
Calls the original inherited OnDragDrop method.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
BeforeShellCommandAssigned |
For use by subcontrols, that need to check the availability of the BeforeShellCommand event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
BeginInit |
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
CheckAll |
Sets the Checked state of all Items to "checked" (true).
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
CheckBoxHit |
This method is currently a surrogate for the implementation of the checkbox functionality
that will follow.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
Clear |
Removes all items from the FileList
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
ClearColumns |
Clears the current columns and the header context menu. Please use this method instead of ListView.Columns.Clear().
(Overrides JamBaseShellListViewClearColumns.) | |
Compare |
Compares two FileListItem objects by their ItemIdList with each other.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListViewCompare(Object, Object).) | |
CompleteDetails |
Completes the details of an item, like image index, sub items etc.
(Overrides CustomFileListTCompleteDetails(T).) | |
CreateListItem |
Creates a new ListItem
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
CustomCompare |
Compares the given items by the content of the subitems at the SortColumn index.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
DisplayBackgroundContextMenu |
Shows the BackgroundContextMenu if it is non-null.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
DisplayContextMenu |
Shows the shell context menu for the currently selected items
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
DisplayContextMenu(Point) |
Shows the shell context menu for the currently selected items
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
DisplayHeaderContextMenu | Handles the HeaderRightClick event. (Overrides JamBaseShellListViewDisplayHeaderContextMenu(Object, EventArgs).) | |
Dispose |
Remove reference to ShellControlConnector and implicitely remove this control from the list of known controls of the ShellControlConnector
(Overrides CustomFileListTDispose(Boolean).) | |
DoAutoSizeColumn |
Autosizes the column that is set in AutoSizeColumn.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
DoBeforeShowContextMenu |
Calls the BeforeShowContextMenu event if assigned.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
EnableSystemStyles |
Sets system specific behaviour,
i.e. FullRowSelect in Vista and upwards.
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
EndInit |
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
After this method is called, IsInitialized is true to indicate
the state of the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
FileMatches |
Override this method to implement/extend your own FileMatching mechanism.
| |
FinalizeColumnVisibilityChange |
Finalizes the column visibility change. The sort column is checked and the column order updated.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
FindContextMenuPosition |
finds the position where to display the context menu based
upon the currently selected items and their positions
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
FindItemIdList | Searches for the first list item with the given ItemIdList. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
FindPath | Returns the ListItem for the given path. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
FolderChanged |
Gets called if the active folder should change.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
FullRefresh |
This method removes not existing items if the property CheckIfExists is true.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
GetColumnHeaderCollectionType |
Gets the type of the column header collection.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
GetColumnOrder |
Retrieve the order in which columns appear.
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
GetFullPath(T) |
Get the full path of an item.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
GetFullPath(Int32) |
Get the fullpath of an item at the index specified.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
GetIndexOfShColumnId(SHCOLUMNID) |
Returns the local index for the given ShellColumnID (if the column is existing and visible)
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
GetIndexOfShColumnId(SHCOLUMNID, Boolean) |
Returns the local index for the given ShellColumnID.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
GetItemCollectionType |
Gets the type of the item collection.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
GetListViewItemSorter | Returns the IComparer that should be used for sorting. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
GetSelectedItemCollectionType | Gets the type of the selected item collection. (Overrides CustomFileListTGetSelectedItemCollectionType.) | |
GetSelectedItemIdLists | Gets the items the command will be executed upon. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
GetSubItemBounds |
Retrieve the bounds of a ListViewSubItem
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
GetUIObject |
Returns for the currently selected item a COM object that implements the requested interface.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
GoUp |
Goes up one directory level.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
HideColumn |
Hides the column with the passed SHCOLUMNID.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
InitColumns |
Initializes the columns by reading the column headers from the users personal folder.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListViewInitColumns.) | |
InvalidateSortColumns | For internal use: invalidates the current sort column. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
InvokeCommandOnSelected |
Invokes the given command on the selected items.
See ShellCommand class for a list of possible commands.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
InvokeCommandOnSelectedReadOnly |
Guarding/helper method for InvokeCommandOnSelected(ShellCommand) suppressing exceptions when executing commands that don't work in readonly mode.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
IsColumnVisible(Int32) |
Returns whether the given column id is currently visible or not.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
IsColumnVisible(SHCOLUMNID) |
Returns whether the given SHColumnId is currently visible or not.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
IsColumnVisibleByDefault |
Determines whether the column with the specified shellcolumnId is a column shown by default.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
IsCustomColumn |
Checks whether the given column index is a custom or shell column
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
IsEmpty |
Checks if the list is empty.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
IsItemInList |
Checks whether an item with the given filename can be found in the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
ItemOfPidl |
Returns the ListItem for the given ItemIdList
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
LogError(String) |
Error method that displays an error messagebox if the
property ShowErrorMessages is set.
The message is always written to the debug output stream
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
LogError(String, Exception) |
Error method that displays an error messagebox if the
property ShowErrorMessages is set.
The message is always written to the debug output stream
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnAddItem |
Raises the AddItem event.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnAfterInvokeCommand | Is called after the command has been called. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnAfterLabelEdit |
Override the OnAfterLabelEdit event, to rename files or folders in the file system, when the have been renamed in the ShellListView.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnBeforeInvokeCommand | Is called before the command is called. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnBeforeLabelEdit |
Override the OnBeforeLabelEdit event, to prepare renaming a file or folder in the ShellListView.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnBeforeShellColumnChanged |
Calls the BeforeShellColumnChanged event if it is assigned.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnBeforeShellDrop |
Calls the BeforeShellDrop event if it is assigned.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnBeforeShowContextMenu | Calls the BeforeShowContextMenu event. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnCheckStateChanged |
Fires an event if the CheckState of an item has changed.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnColumnClick |
Sort the column, which is clicked.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnColumnWidthChanged |
Tracks column widths. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ListView.ColumnWidthChanged event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnColumnWidthChanging |
Prevents changes at designtime.
Raises the ColumnWidthChanging event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnCreateColumns |
Fires an event after the columns have been created
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnCreateControl |
Raises the CreateControl method.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnDoubleClick |
Overrides the OnDoubleClick eventhandler to invoke the default command on the selected item.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnDragDrop |
This member overrides OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs) (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnDragEnter |
This member overrides OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs) (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnDragLeave |
This member overrides OnDragLeave(EventArgs) (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnDragOver |
This member overrides OnDragOver(DragEventArgs) (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnDrawColumnHeader |
This member overrides OnDrawColumnHeader(DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs).
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnDrawItem |
This member overrides OnDrawItem(DrawListViewItemEventArgs).
(Overrides CustomFileListTOnDrawItem(DrawListViewItemEventArgs).) | |
OnFileMatches |
Fires an event that a file matches the default search criteria if the user registers to the SearchFileMatches event
the user can further decide whether the file should match.
| |
OnHandleCreated |
Handles the OnHandleCreated event and e.g. initializes the image list
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnHandleDestroyed | Tracks the handle destruction. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnHeaderContextMenuClick |
Eventhandler for a HeaderContextMenuClick.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnHeaderRightClick |
Raises the HeaderRightClick-Event
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
OnItemChecked | Calls raising of the OnItemCheckedEvent. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnItemDrag |
This member overrides OnItemDrag(ItemDragEventArgs) (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnItemListChanged | Executes the item list changed action. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnItemShowToolTip | This method is extended to show tool tip texts of the particular shell objects. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnKeyDown |
Overrides the OnKeyDown eventhandler.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnLoadItem |
Calls the LoadItem event with the passed parameters.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnMouseDown |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDown event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnMouseEnter |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseEnter event.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnMouseLeave |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseLeave event.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
OnMouseUp |
Overrides the OnMouseUp event, to handle e.g. double clicks and right clicks on files or folders
and the selection of files or folders, when the CheckBoxes are switched on.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnNotifyMessage |
This method is called if a notification event is performed on the message
pump WndProc(Message) (Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
OnOperation(ShellOperation, PathCollection, String, Exception) |
Fires an event if an operation was performed on the JamBaseShellListView.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnOperation(ShellOperation, StringCollection, String, Exception) |
Helper function for OnOperation(ShellOperation, PathCollection, String, Exception)
to avoid type conversion.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnResize |
Raises the OnResize event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
OnSearchCompleted |
Fires an event if the Search has completed.
| |
OnSearchProgressChanged |
Fires an event if the Search has completed.
| |
OnShowOptionChanged | Calls the ShowOptionChanged event if it is assigned. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
PrepareMultiObjects | Obsolete.
Prepares the selected items in the list for being used with the m_ShellBrowser, an instance of ShellBrowser.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
PrepareMultiObjects(ShellBrowser) | Prepares the selected items in the list for being used with the m_ShellBrowser, an
instance of ShellBrowser. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
PreserveSystemStyle |
This method preserves the Windows Vista light blue selection line if UseSystemStyles is on.
The Setting is lost if e.g. a column is clicked to sort things.
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
Refresh(RefreshLevel) | This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
Refresh(RefreshLevel, ItemIdList) | This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
Remove(T) |
Removes an item from the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
Remove(String) |
Removes an item from the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
RemoveItemFromList |
Removes the list element from the list
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
Reset |
Resets the SpecialFolder of the internal ShellBrowser. This is especially needed for Column or subitem initialization.
(Overrides CustomFileListTReset.) | |
ResetColumns |
Resets the columns to the initial state.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
ResetItemDetails |
Resets all items so the next time their CompleteDetails method is
called, the information is retrieved again.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
ResetItems |
Resets the items and their subitems.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
RestoreItemSelection | Restores the selection and checkstate of the item. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
RestoreState | Counterpart of SaveState. Restores properties and contents of the ListView. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
ReturnItemInList |
Returns the item that is associated to the filename given as a parameter.
Uses the SortedDictionary that is maintained within the FileList to
determine whether the p_FileName is contained as a key if the AllowDuplicates property is set to true.
Otherwise it iterates through the list of items in O(n) to find the first entry.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
SaveCheckedItems | Saves the checked items. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SaveColumnSettings | Saves the column settings. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
SaveSelection | Saves the current selection and checked items to a temporary List. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SaveState | Saves the column properties of the current view, so that it can be restored later. (Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
ScaleControl | Scales a control's location, size, padding and margin. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
Search(String) |
Searches the path given in the parameter for patterns defined in the
SearchOptions property.
| |
Search(String) |
Searches the paths given in the parameter for patterns defined in the
SearchOptions property.
| |
Search(String, Boolean) |
Searches the path given in the parameter for patterns defined in the
SearchOptions property.
| |
Search(String, Boolean) |
Searches the paths given in the parameter for patterns defined in the
SearchOptions property.
| |
Search(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Searches the paths given in the parameter for patterns defined in the
SearchOptions property.
| |
SearchCancel |
Call this method to cancel a pending search.
| |
SelectAll |
Selects all items in a ShellFileList.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
SelectAllItemsInternal | Selects all items. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SelectedFileChange |
Gets called if the selected file should change.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SelectPidl(ItemIdList) |
Selects the ListItem that corresponds to the given ItemIdList.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SelectPidl(ItemIdList, Boolean) |
Selects the ListItem that corresponds to the given ItemIdList.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SetColumnBitmap |
Set the sort icon among the current sort order in the passed column.
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
SetColumnOrder |
Sets the order in which columns appear.
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
SetColumnVisibility(Int32, Boolean) |
Sets the visibility of a column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SetColumnVisibility(SHCOLUMNID, Boolean) |
Sets the visibility of a column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SetFont |
Sets the font without adjusting other properties.
(Inherited from SystemListView.) | |
SetSortOrder(SHCOLUMNID) | Sets and applies the SortColumn in ascending. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
SetSortOrder(SHCOLUMNID, SortOrder) | Sets and applies the sortrder. (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
ShowColumn |
Shows the column with the passed ShellColumnId.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListViewShowColumn(SHCOLUMNID).) | |
SmartRefresh |
This method is left empty in the CustomFileListT and FileList classes.
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
Sort |
Sorts the items of the list view. Uses a custom sort order if an IComparer is assigned to property ListViewItemSorter.
If no custom sortorder is supplied the default sorting handles sorting by columns and is only useful in Details.
In this case SortColumn must be non-negative.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
UnCheckAll |
Sets the Checked state of all Items to "unchecked" (false).
(Inherited from CustomFileListT.) | |
UpdateColumnBitmaps |
Updates the sort icon in the column of the ShellListView.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) | |
UpdateSubitemsAfterColumnGetsVisible |
Updates the subitems after a column gets visible.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListViewUpdateSubitemsAfterColumnGetsVisible(SHCOLUMNID, Int32).) | |
WndProc |
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView.) |
Name | Description | |
HandleNeeded | A Control extension method that ensures that the handle for a control is created. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
ScaledPixels | An extension method for controls: It scales the passed pixels according to the current dpi the control is displayed with. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
ScaleFont | A Control extension method that scales font according to the passed factor. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) |