Click or drag to resize

ExplorerBrowser Properties

The ExplorerBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddressBar
The ShellAddressBar if available.
Public propertyAllColumns
Gets a list of all columns that are supported in the current view. These depend on what the control currently displays.
Public propertyAllowDrop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it.
(Overrides ControlAllowDrop.)
Public propertyAutoCheckSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control displays checkboxes that can be used to set the selection
Public propertyBackColor
This property is not implemented.
(Overrides ControlBackColor.)
Public propertyBackgroundImage
This property is not implemented.
(Overrides ControlBackgroundImage.)
Public propertyBackgroundImageLayout
This property is not implemented.
(Overrides ControlBackgroundImageLayout.)
Public propertyCheckedItems Obsolete.
Gets the checked items. The collection is non-recursive - if a folder is checked its content is not included.
Public propertyCheckMode
Gets or sets a value defining the current CheckMode.
Public propertyCode exampleColumns
Gets the ShellViewColumns the control currently displays.
Public propertyCode exampleContentFilter
A ShellItemFilter specifiying filter criteria for this instance.
Public propertyFocusedPane
Retrieves the focused pane.
Public propertyFolderIdList
Gets or sets the current location.
Public propertyFont
This property is not implemented.
(Overrides ControlFont.)
Public propertyForeColor
This property is not implemented.
(Overrides ControlForeColor.)
Public propertyGroupBy
Gets or sets the view grouping.
Public propertyGroupDirection
Gets or sets the group direction.
Public propertyIsInitialized
Gets a value indicating whether the component is initialized.
Public propertyItems
Contains the Items in the ExplorerBrowser. The collection is gathered upon first retrieval. It is updated internally when the items change, i.e. by moving to another folder. The items returned may be sorted differently than the view.
Public propertyPath
Gets or sets the filesystem path which contents should be displayed.
Public propertySelectedItemIdList
Gets or sets the selected item identifier list. A previous selection is removed.
Public propertySelectedItems
Contains the selected item collection in the ExplorerBrowser. The collection is gathered upon first retreival. It is updated internally when the items change, i.e. by moving to another folder. The items returned may be sorted differently than the view.
Public propertyShellControlConnector
Connects this control to a ShellControlConnector component, which allows to synchronize several shell controls.
Public propertyShowErrorMessages
If set to true the ShellList component will show a MessageBox if an error occured, otherwise the errors will only be logged to the Debug output.
Public propertyShowHeader
Gets or sets a value indicating if column headers should be shown.
Public propertySpecialFolder
Gets or sets the special folder to be displayed.
Public propertyThumbnailSize
Gets or sets the size of the icons that is applied when View is set to Thumbnail.
Public propertyVersion
The current version of the ShellBrowser.
Public propertyView
Allows to set the different view modes of the ExplorerBrowser control.
Public propertyViewFolderFlags
Get or set the FolderFlags that specify how the ListView displays its content. The flags can be or'ed together, ie. "FolderFlags.NoColumnHeader | FolderFlags.AbbreviatedNames" in the designer this is specified by a comma-separation.
Public propertyCode exampleVisiblePanes
Gets or sets the panes that are/should be visible.
See Also