Click or drag to resize

FolderFlags Enumeration

The folder flags are used to specify how the control displays its content. Most of these flags can be or'ed together.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Core (in ShellBrowser.Core.dll) Version: 7.1
public enum FolderFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 0x00000000. Windows 7 and later. No special view options.
AutoArrange1Automatically arrange the elements in the view. This implies LVS_AUTOARRANGE if the list view control is used to implement the view.
AbbreviatedNames2Abbreviate names. This flag is not currently supported.
SnapToGrid4Arrange items on a grid. This flag is not currently supported.
BestFitWindow16This flag is currently not supported.
Desktop32Enable the best-fit window mode. Let the view size the window so that its contents fit inside the view window in the best possible manner.
SingleSelection64Do not allow more than a single item to be selected. This is used in the common dialog boxes.
NoSubFolders128Do not show subfolders.
Transparent256Draw transparently. This is used only for the desktop.
NoClientEdge512This flag is currently not supported.
NoScroll1024Do not add scroll bars. This is used only for the desktop.
AlignLeft2048The view should be left-aligned. This implies LVS_ALIGNLEFT if the list view control is used to implement the view.
NoIcons4096The view should not display icons.
ShowSelectionAlways8192Always show the selection.
NoVisible16384This flag is currently not supported.
SingleClickActivate32768This flag is currently not supported.
NoWebView65536The view should not be shown as a Web view.
HideFilenames131072The view should not display file names.
CheckSelect262144Turns on the check mode for the view.
NoEnumRefresh524288Windows Vista and later: Do not re-enumerate the view (or drop the current contents of the view) when the view is refreshed.
NoGrouping1048576Windows Vista and later: Do not allow grouping in the view
FullRowSelect2097152Windows Vista and later: When an item is selected, the item and all its sub-items are highlighted.
NoFilters4194304Windows Vista and later: Do not display filters in the view.
NoColumnHeader8388608Windows Vista and later: Do not display a column header in the view in any view mode.
NoHeaderInAllViews16777216Windows Vista and later: Only show the column header in details view mode.
ExtendedTiles33554432Windows Vista and later: When the view is in "tile view mode" the layout of a single item should be extended to the width of the view.
TriCheckSelect67108864Windows Vista and later: Check boxes have 3 modes: unchecked, SVSI_CHECK, SVSI_CHECK2.
AutoCheckSelect134217728Windows Vista and later: Items can be selected using checkboxes.
NoBrowserViewState268435456Windows Vista and later: The view should not save view state in the browser.
SubsetGrouops536870912Windows Vista and later: The view should list the number of items displayed in each group. To be used with IFolderView2::SetGroupSubsetCount.
UseSearchFolder1073741824Windows Vista and later: Use the search folder for stacking and searching.
See Also