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DriveListItem Class

Class contains infos about any items within the Lists
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser (in ShellBrowser.dll) Version: 7.1
public class DriveListItem : CustomFileListItem

The DriveListItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodDriveListItem
Constructor for creating a DriveListItem.
Public methodDriveListItem(String)
Constructor for creating a DriveListItem.
Public propertyAbsoluteItemIdList
Lazy loads and caches the ItemIdList corresponding to the complete path of the ListItem.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected propertyAbsoluteItemIdList_Internal
Simple getter/setter for the AbsoluteItemIdList of this element.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyAvailableBytes
Gets the available diskspace.
Public propertyAvailablePercent
Gets the percentual availability of disk space of the current item
Public propertyChecked
This property calls CheckState and returns true only if the item is CheckState.Checked and false if in CheckState.Grayed or CheckState.UnChecked.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyCheckState
If the CheckBoxes property of the ShellListView is true then this property can be used to get or set the check state. If the value that is set changes the item's checkstate, and a ShellControlConnector is assigned to the ShellListView the item is contained in, the SelectionList will be updated accordingly.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyColumnInfoAvailable
Returns true if the columns have been added as subitems
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyCut
Defines if the item's image should be shown ghosted or not.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyDetailsCompleted
Returns true if item details have already been loaded.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyFileSize
Gets or sets the size of the file. It's a value preloaded during the search.
(Inherited from CustomFileListItem.)
Public propertyFullPath
Use to get the full path of this item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyIsFolder
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a folder or a file.
(Inherited from CustomFileListItem.)
Protected propertyItemIdListWorkItem
Holds a WorkItem running for this instance.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyOverlayImage
Gets or sets the "OverlayIndex" to use for the element. The index must be known as overlay in the ImageList.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyPath
Get or set the path of the item.
(Overrides CustomFileListItemPath.)
Protected propertyQueuedCompleteDetailsWorkItem
Holds an already queued workitem to complete the item details, to avoid queuing more than 1 workitem per item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyRelativeItemIdList
Get the relative PIDL of the current item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected propertyRelativeItemIdList_Internal
ItemIdList of this item relative to the folder p_Path ItemIdList.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyShellListView
The same instance as ListView but typed as JamBaseShellListView.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected propertyTooltipWorkItem
Cache for the TooltipWorkItem to make sure only one is running at a time.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public propertyTotalBytes
Gets the total diskspace.
Protected propertyVariantColumnTexts
This array holds the column texts of the item. It`s filled in FillSubitems.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodAcquireImageIndecesViaThreadPool
For the DriveListItem this method simply calls CompleteDetails(JamBaseShellListView)
(Overrides CustomFileListItemAcquireImageIndecesViaThreadPool.)
Protected methodAfterRename
Refreshes the item`s ItemIdLists, text and executes the PathWasRenamed methods
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodCompleteDetails
Completes the details of the ShellListBaseItem, given that it's ListView property is set, i.e. the item has been added to the listview.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodCompleteDetails(JamBaseShellListView)
Sets the missing item information, namely available and total disk space and available percent (asynchronous).
(Overrides ShellListBaseItemCompleteDetails(JamBaseShellListView).)
Public methodCompleteDetailsAsync
Completes details asynchronously.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodGetDetails
Loads some values, like the image index into the returned value. Method should not be called in main thread.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodGetVariantValue
Gets the value for the specified column as variant.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodInvertCheckState
This method inverts the CheckState of the ShellListItem instance. If the Item was checked it's state will be set to unchecked. If it was Grayed or UnChecked it will be Checked afterwards. If the Item is not associated (contained) in a ShellListView or the ShellListView has no ShellControlConnector assigned, this method does nothing and returns immediately. Furthermore the ListView needs to have the CheckBoxes property enabled.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodRefreshCheckState
Refreshes the value of the CheckState CheckSate property by starting an asynchronous operation. Calling this method has no effect if the item is not part of a list, or has no ShellControlConnector assigned.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodRefreshGhostedState (Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodRefreshOverlayImageIndex
Refreshes the overlay image index of the item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodReload
Reloads the item. If an ItemIdList is passed it is refreshed and used as new absolute ItemIdList for the item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodRemoveSubItem
Removes the subitem at the passed postion.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Public methodRename
Renames the item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodSetDetails
Applies the passed Details to the item.
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodSetImageIndex (Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
Protected methodSetThumbnailBitmap
Adds the bitmap to the image collection of the imagelist, sets the image index of this item accordingly. Queues another work-item to obtain a real thumbnail later on
(Inherited from ShellListBaseItem.)
See Also