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ExplorerPane Enumeration

Contains flags for the panes that can be used in the Explorer window.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser.Core (in ShellBrowser.Core.dll) Version: 7.1
public enum ExplorerPane
  Member nameValueDescription
ShellView0 The ShellView. It cannot be turned off.
Commands1 Commands module along the top of the Windows Explorer window.
CommandsOrganize2 Organize menu within the commands module.
CommandsView4 View menu within the commands module.
DetailsPane8 Pane showing metadata along the bottom of the Windows Explorer window.
PreviewPane16 Pane on the right of the Windows Explorer window that shows a large reading preview of the file. Only works if DetailsPane is not visible.
Navigation512 The pane on the left side of the Windows Explorer window that hosts the folders tree and Favorites.
AddressBar65536 The Addressbar displayed on the top of the screen.
SearchEdit131072 The search box in top right corner. Note that this is only compatible with Windows 7 and later!
History524288 The history buttons in top left corner.
Auto262144 Same panes like in explorer.
See Also