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ShellOperation Enumeration

Enumeration of possible operations that may happen for a shell control.

Namespace:  Jam.Shell
Assembly:  ShellBrowser (in ShellBrowser.dll) Version: 7.1
public enum ShellOperation
  Member nameValueDescription
Copy1 Objects have been copied.
Move2 Objects have been moved.
Drag4 Objects have been dragged from the control.
Drop8 Objects have been dropped on the control.
Cut16 Objects have been cut in the control.
Paste32 Objects have been pasted to the control.
Delete64 Objects have been deleted.
Remove128 Objects have been remvoed from the control, e.g. they have been moved or cut and pasted.
Add256 Objects have been added to the control, e.g. because they have been pasted or dropped.
Rename512 An object has been renamed in the control.
See Also