Bounced Mail

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Bounced Mail

'Bounced Mail' shows your options for managing bounces.


info_32 Note:

Returns are only available in the Enterprise Edition.

You can find a detailed comparison between the Small Business Edition and the Enterprise Edition here.


If an email cannot be delivered, the mailing system will automatically send the email back to the sender.

This automatic response mail is called a 'bounced mail' (or simply a 'bounce').

It contains the failed recipient address and in most cases the reason for failure.





Bounced Mail Options

Collect Bounced Mail

If this option is set, the addresses of the bounced mails will be eliminated from your actual profile and further processed as stated.

Collect into:

If this option is set, the addresses of the bounces will be collected into a separate list and further processed as stated. The original list of recipients won't be changed.

Remove from:

If this option is set, the addresses of the bounces will be deleted right away from your list of recipients.


info_32 Note:

We recommend to collect the addresses of the bounces into a separate list for later processing. Failure analysis and data security is much easier this way.

Collect temporary
Bounce Mail

If this option is set also the temporary bounce mails will be collected.

Use this option with caution!

How to Process the Bounced Mail

Leave processed messages on server

Leaves the processed mail on the mail server.

Delete processed messages from server

Deletes the processed mail from the mail server.

Forward processed messages to address

Forwards the processed mail to a mail address before deleting them from the server.


The address in this box will be checked during input and one of the following three icons will be shown:



The address is formally correct.


info_32 Note:

SmartSerialMail will only test if the address was entered in the correct format. The email address will not be verified!


The email address you entered is formally correct, but some programs/providers may regard it as incorrect.


No email address was entered or the email address is formally incorrect.

Remove messages after forwarding from server

If this option is set, the forwarded mails will be deleted from the mail server.