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List-management helps you to keep your recipient-lists up-to-date.
With this feature you can decide how to treat bounced mail, registration, cancellation and confirmation.




All emails arriving in the inbox of your email account will be referred to as 'Returns'. Such a 'Return' could be :

1.a bounced mail (a 'return to sender' notification of the mail system, because the email couldn't be delivered to the original recipient),

2.a subscription,

3.a confirmation,

4.a cancellation,

5.any other email.



Bounced mail:

Bounced mail (or simply 'bounces') are emails that cannot be delivered (for several reasons) to the intended recipient. (The email 'bounces, against a metaphorical 'wall' of a not responding email account and comes back to you with a 'return to sender' remark). An invalid or incorrect written recipient mail address is the most common cause for a mail to bounce.



How are registration, deregistration and acceptance processed?

SmartSerialMail recognizes these e-mails by their subject. You are able to define keywords for each category (registration, deregistration, acceptance), the subject of incoming e-mails will be scanned. If a match occurs SmartSerialMail handles the recipient’s e-mail address as defined.



Subscriptions request the delivery of your newsletter to a certain email address. SmartSerialMail will automatically add the sender of the mail subscription to your recipients list of this newsletter.



Confirmations request the user to confirm his subscription to your newsletter. SmartSerialMail will automatically add the sender of the mail confirmation to your recipients list of this newsletter.



Cancellations demand a stop of your newsletter delivery to a certain email address. SmartSerialMail will delete the sender of this cancellation from your list of recipients of this newsletter.





info_32 Note:

Further information about listmanagement can be found at: Basics -> Listmanagement