Tutorial 6: Create a newsletter with subscription and cancellation functions

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Tutorial 6: Create a newsletter with subscription and cancellation functions

Follow these Steps:


info_32 Note:

To use the templates "Subscription" and "Unsubscription", you need to adjust the settings for Returns.

Important points are:

'Incoming Server Options'




1.Choose  'content Content' in the Navigation.

2.Write your Newsletter


info_32 Tip:

Use 'Templates' for frequently used words.


3.Click on 'Placeholder'.

4.Insert the templates "A link for subscriptions" ({%link_subscription%}) and/or "A link for unsubscription" ({%link_unsubscription%})
where subscription and/or unsubscription should be possible.

5.If you choose 'HTML Tab in 'previewPreview', you can see the e-mail address and the subject for "subscribtion" or "cancellation".


info_32 Note:

In Tutorial 2: Managing what comes back you see how to handle subscriptions and cancellations