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Welcome to our SmartSerialMail Tutorial.


Here you get a brief introduction to the use of SmartSerialMail.


Tutorial 1: From first start until sending messages

You will learn step-by-step :


 1. how to create sender profiles;

 2. how to import a recipients list out of Excel;

 3. how to create a new message;

 4. how to check the message;

 5. how to send the message;

Tutorial 2: Managing, what comes back

You learn how to manage what comes back.


Tutorial 3: Insert a personalized attachment

You learn how  to insert a personalized attachment.


Tutorial 4: Import content from Word

You learn how you can import content from Word to your newsletter.


Tutorial 5: Edit recipients lists

You learn how to:


 1. Insert entries to your recipients list

 2. Merge recipients lists

 3. Substract recipients lists

 4. Remove duplicates

 5. Make a Blacklists


Tutorial 6: Create a Newsletter with subscription and cancellation functions

You learn how to use the subscription and unsubscription function of SmartSerialMail.